
Replication does not preserve character encoding Firebird 5

Michel-Itapira opened this issue · 7 comments

2 virtualized Debian servers, identical copies, include Firebird conf and database , database is same both have field ISO8859_1.
When you configure one database for replica and another for master,
if the field is encoded to ISO8859_1 , the data is replicated in UNICODE,
Data in master
"Dispositivo não foi encontrado com essa chave"
Data replicate in replicate
"Dispositivo não foi encontrado com essa chave"
Change HEX 0xE3 to 0xC3 0x A3

Is this field blob or varchar?


It's replicated exactly as stored. Maybe you connect to the replica using different (unicode) connection charset and thus see different data?

Sorry blob

Blob Text

It's replicated exactly as stored. Maybe you connect to the replica using different (unicode) connection charset and thus see different data?
Same connection change ip only

If it's a blob, then it looks like #7969. Try the fresh snapshot build.