
Firebird 5.0, gbak: WARNING:Wrong parallel workers value 4, valid range are from 1 to 1

AnatolyLoy opened this issue · 1 comments

When I try to specify gbak command to restore from the backup file, I get the warning message in the restore.LOG file.

gbak command:
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_50_3055_x64\gbak.exe" -c -V -par 4 -Y restore.LOG DB_BACKUP.FBK RESTORED_DB.FDB

The first lines of restore.LOG file contain:
gbak: time delta
gbak: 0.005 0.005 opened file DB_BACKUP.FBK
gbak: 0.100 0.095 use up to 4 parallel workers
gbak: 0.100 0.000 transportable backup -- data in XDR format
gbak: 0.100 0.000 backup file is compressed
gbak: 0.100 0.000 backup version is 11
gbak: WARNING:Wrong parallel workers value 4, valid range are from 1 to 1
gbak: 0.193 0.092 created database RESTORED_DB.FDB, page_size 16384 bytes
gbak: 0.199 0.006 started transaction

As I understand, gbak works with only one worker, but it's not clear what is root cause...

Please, read documentation carefully:

Release Notes

In short:

  • gbak uses 4 threads when load data, as specified at command line,
  • engine uses 1 thread when creates indices, as you didn't change MaxParallelWorkers setting in firebird.conf