
node-foundation dev policy **draft**

Guiding Principles

The Fundamental goal of the Node.js Project is to provide a JavaScript-based application development platform that is current, reliable and stable.

Contributors to Node.js work in concert with one another on behalf of the Community of users who build their applications and businesses on top of the Node.js platform. Accordingly, contributors must demonstrate an ongoing commitment, not only to the Project, but to the stability and vitality of the Community as a whole.

It is vital that users trust the Contributors to have their best interests in mind while making decisions affecting the overall direction of the platform. This means having defined guidelines, stable APIs, a clear roadmap, and a predictable release schedule. The user community and developer ecosystem must be included in the decision making process.

Adoption of new capabilities and features within Node.js must be carefully balanced by the expressed needs of the users and the community. Change just for the sake of change must be avoided and a guaranteed long term support policy must be established.

Node.js owes much of it's success to the existing ecosystem of module and add-on developers. The Node.js project should do everything it can to support the continued growth and stability of that ecosystem.

In order to best serve the Node.js Community as a whole, the development, release and issue management processes adopted by the Node.js Foundation TSC must reflect these guiding principles.

About this document

This document is a work in progress draft of a proposed development and release policy for the Node.js Foundation TSC. This document currently has no official standing within Node.js, io.js or the Node.js Foundation. The intent is for this draft to be put up for discussion in a joint Node.js and io.js TC meeting on Thursday, April 9th, 2015.

Nothing within this document should currently be considered final.



The Node.js project is maintained by individual Collaborators. The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) membership consists of key Collaborators who have demonstrated both technical expertise critical to the ongoing maintenance and evolution of the project and a long term commitment to driving the project and community forward.

Individuals can be nominated as Collaborators by TSC members. Once the nomination is approved by the TSC, the invitation to become a Collaborator is extended to the individual. The invitation must include a copy of the project Developer’s Certificate of Origin (DCO, see below). Assuming the individual accepts the invitation, they are granted commit-access to the project.

Nominations for Collaborator Status happen through the typical TSC decision making process. That is, to nominate one or more Collaborators, an issue containing the names of all collaborators being nominated is created and put on the TSC meeting agenda. The issue is approved or rejected following the same Consensus Seeking Process used for any other issue or PR.

Individuals can self-petition the TSC for Collaborator status by submitting an issue requesting to be put on the TSC meeting agenda. In order to be considered however, such self-nominations must be sponsored by an existing TSC member, after which it follows the same process as above. To sponsor a nomination, the TSC member must indicate consent within the issue text or associated comment thread.

Collaborators can be nominated to become members of the TSC following the same nomination and approval model. However, Collaborators cannot nominate themselves for TSC membership. An individual cannot be nominated and accepted into the TSC without first having been nominated and accepted as a Collaborator.

Accepting Modifications through a Consensus Seeking Process

A "Contribution" to the Project is any work that is voluntarily submitted to the project. These include not only source code in the form of bug fixes, code improvements, new functions, etc, but contributions to documentation, design etc that are intended for the overall improvement of the project.

Contributions to the Project are made on a collaborative basis. Any individual with a GitHub account may propose a Contribution by submitting a Pull Request (PR). Like the TSC governance, acceptance of Contributions (a.k.a. "landing a Pull Request") into the Project follows the Consensus Seeking decision making model as described in the Project TSC Charter.

All Pull Requests submitted by individuals who are not Collaborators must be signed-off on by an existing Collaborator before the PR will be considered. The sponsoring Collaborator becomes responsible for the PR. Pull Requests from an existing Collaborator must be signed-off on by at least one other Collaborator.

Before any Pull Request is landed, sufficient time should be given to receive input from other Collaborators with sufficient expertise to evaluate the changes. Specifically, at least 48 hours during the typical working week and 72 hours over weekends should be given to account for international time differences and work schedules. Trivial Pull Requests may be landed after a shorter delay.

If it becomes apparent that the changes proposed by a given Pull Request: (a) have significant impact on the project as a whole; (b) are inherently controversial; or (c) have failed to reach consensus amongst Collaborators, the Pull Request can be elevated for review by either a specific Working Group (by attaching a WG specific tag to the PR) or the TSC (by attaching the tsc-agenda tag to the PR). Pull Requests that have been flagged for TSC or Working Group review must not be landed until the TSC or Working Group has had sufficient opportunity to review the issue and render a decision. A Working Group may choose to defer the issue to the TSC.

Pull Requests that require an increase in the Major version must be elevated for review by the TSC. This does not necessarily mean that the PR must be put onto the TSC meeting agenda. If enough TSC members sign-off on the PR and there is clear consensus among TSC members for the change, the Pull Request can be landed. Where there is disagreement among TSC members, semver-major Pull Requests should be put on the TSC meeting agenda.

Specific Collaborators or Working Groups can be requested to review any PR by using an @-mention either within the PR text itself or the associated comment stream.

Collaborators sign-off on a Pull Request by explicitly stating their approval in the PR text or associated comment stream. If a Collaborator is unsure about the modification or is not prepared to take full responsibility for the change, they should defer to another Collaborator.

Exception to this process is allowed for high-priority changes that address security vulnerabilities. A shorter review period and modified sign-off process may be necessary depending on the nature of the change and severity of the issue. It is recommended that the TSC establish a Security Working Group of Collaborators with recognized security expertise that can be tasked with reviewing security related Pull Requests and determining an appropriate review process.

All Pull Requests that either fix bugs or introduce new functionality require at least one test case demonstrating the defect or validating the intended functionality. For bug fixes, the test should fail before the change, and pass after the change.

Pull Requests for changes intended to improve performance require a benchmark demonstrating the performance impact. The benchmark should demonstrate improved performance after the change is applied.

Branching Model

The Project source repository will be organized into a single master branch, multiple Release branches, and multiple Development Branches. All modifications intended for the current major release line must be made to the master branch and must follow the guidelines detailed in this document. Modifications to Release branches are limited to bug fixes, with priority given to changes that address specific security vulnerabilities. Oversight of the Release branches belongs to the Long Term Support (LTS) Working Group. The LTS Working Group will establish policies for landing Pull Requests into Release branches.

          (dev branches)        (dev branches)
          /  /      \  \        /  /      \  \
  ---------------------------------------------------------------> master
      \          \          \          \          \          \
      x.0        x.1        x.2       x+1.0      x+1.1     x+1.2   (releases)

Landing Pull Requests

When Landing a Pull Request, a Collaborator must modify the original commit message to include the following additional meta information regarding the change process:

  • A Reviewed-By: Name <email> line for yourself and any other Collaborators who have reviewed the change.
  • A PR-URL: line that references the full GitHub URL of the original Pull Request being merged so it's easy to trace a commit back to the conversation that lead up to that change.
  • A Fixes: X line as appropriate, where X includes the full GitHub URL for an issue, and/or the complete or abbreviated hash identifier and commit message if the commit fixes a bug in a previous commit. Multiple Fixes: lines may be added if appropriate.

Additionally, Collaborators should:

  • Double check Pull Requests to make sure the author's full name and email address are correct before merging.
  • Verify that every commit passes all tests.

Issue and Pull Request Tagging

All Issues and Pull Requests should be tagged with their respective feature areas. This helps organize issues and makes it easier for Collaborators to keep track of the items most relevant to them.

The labels discuss, meta, future, and ideas are used to label issues that are not bugs or features requests.

The help-wanted tag is used to draw attention to Issues and Pull Requests that need contributions.

When a Pull Request is not ready to merge, and is still being iterated on or reviewed, it should have the in-progress tag applied.

The semver-minor and semver-major tags are used for Pull Requests that will cause a version iteration other than patch once released.

The tsc-agenda tag is used to elevate items to the next TSC meeting. TSC meeting notes and announcements should have the tsc-meeting tag.

Every Working Group must specify a tag that can be used to indicate items for review by the Working Group and a tag that can be used to identify Working Group meeting notes and announcements.

Release Process

Release Branches

The master branch is the current major release branch. Most Pull Requests are sent to this branch and it is the default repo branch.

Before a new major release, master is branched for LTS releases of the prior major. Example: 1.x, 2.x. These become the "head" of the LTS release and are where Pull Requests addressing bugs in the branched stream are to be landed.

Additionally there are branches for stable release lines prior to 1.0 of minor versions. Example: 0.8.x, 0.10.x, 0.12.x.

All Release Branches other than master are managed by the LTS Working Group and fall under the LTS release policy.

During the interim period between the launch of the Foundation and the convergence of the two release lines, variations may exist in the specific release cycles for the Node.js v0.x stream and the io.js 1.x stream. These variations are allowed to aid in the transition process.

Release Versioning


Patch releases are defined as bug, performance, and security fixes. They do not change or add any public interfaces. They do not change the expected behavior of a given interface. They are meant to correct behavior when it doesn't match the documentation, without also introducing a change that makes seamless upgrades impossible.


Minors are the addition and refinements of APIs or subsystems. They do not change APIs or introduce backwards compatible breaking changes. These are mostly completely additive releases.


Majors contain changes in behavior that could potentially break code that worked in prior releases.

Post-Release Metadata

LTS Releases are tagged with additional ~Major.Minor.Patch metadata used to track post-release modifications to the LTS Release. LTS Candidates are tagged with additional '-rc.x' metadata where the x indicates a specific Candidate number. This additional metadata is managed solely by the LTS WG. Every new LTS Release is automatically tagged with the extension ~0.0.0 to indicate it's status as an LTS Release (Note: this replaces the current convention of using the -release extension to flag releases)

Release Process for Master

Releases should not contain too many code changes and if the rate of code changes is high then it should correspond to an increase in the rate of releases. It is expected that there should be about one release per week.

Master must pass a full CI test run prior to release.

If master contains changes which are tagged semver-minor then the release should bump the minor version otherwise it is a patch release.

Repository Reconciliation Plan

There are currently release lines in both node.js and io.js. Starting at the point from which io.js was created, the two repositories have diverged significantly. Bringing the two repositories back together under the Foundation TSC will not happen immediately.

       (io.js)    v1.6   :  v1.7    v1.x
          |         |    :    |       |
 v0.10.x  /--------------:-----------------\   Node.js 2.0
____|____/               :                  \______|_____
         \               :                  /
          |         |    :     |       |
       (node.js) v0.12.x :  v0.13.x  v0.14.x

At the time of this writing, the current Node.js release is v0.12.2. The current io.js release is 1.6.4.

Upon Foundation launch, both projects will come together under a single TSC, but the two distinct release lines will continue independently for the near term. Each subsequent release ("interim releases") for each project should incrementally bring the two code bases closer together, allowing them to eventually merge back into a single Node.js 2.0 release line. For purposes of managing each separate release line, the TSC will charter an io.js WG and a node.js WG, each responsible for their respective release lines. The membership for each release line WG will be the current membership of each of the two separate projects TSC’s.

To avoid introducing unnecessary problems for users, the interim releases should not overlap versions. All prior versions of both io.js and node.js should be preserved. The interim Node.js releases will remain the v0.x version stream. Interim io.js releases will continue to follow their existing semver strategy. If Interim changes in io.js require a major version bump to 2.x, the first release of the Converged Project would be the next major version number (3.0). The Converged Project will use semver for release versioning.

To facilitate and oversee the Convergence effort, the TSC will charter a Convergence Work Group. This WG will ensure that appropriate steps are being made in each of the two release lines to bring the projects back together. The Convergence WG will work directly with both release line WG’s. As soon as the release lines converge, the charters for the separate release line WG’s and the convergence WG will expire, and responsibility for the continued evolution of the converged release line will be with the project TSC itself. The initial membership of the Convergence WG will be a subset of members from each of the two release line WG’s.

For the Converged Project, a new Github organization owned and managed by the Node.js Foundation will be created. Once the new Github organization is established, ownership of the existing iojs/io.js and joyent/node repositories should be transferred. From there, the Convergence WG will be responsible for determining the exact next steps for creating the Converged repository. Additional repositories from each of the existing joyent/* and iojs/* organizations may need to be transferred to the Node.js Foundation organization as well.

The Converged repository must contain release branches for all prior stable lines from both release lines.

Note: The specific details for how the organization will be created (e.g. if it would be a brand new organization or a migration of one or both of the existing organizations) has yet to be determined. This is a complex issue that will require careful thought. It will be the responsibility of the Convergence WG to determine the specific details.

Long Term Support

All Releases branches automatically shift into the responsibility of the Long Term Support working group. Determination of the LTS strategy for specific releases the responsibility of the LTS WG.

The LTS WG is expected to establish a regular and predictable cadence of stable releases. To this end, the LTS WG must maintain and regularly publish a clear Roadmap that outlines the priorities and milestones for upcoming LTS Releases. The goal of the Roadmap is to help guide the project's evolution as opposed to constraining it.

Strawman LTS Strategy:

Note: this is a strawman meant to stimulate discussion. Feel free to knock it down. See nodejs#15 and nodejs#26 for additional discussion.

The master branch must always be in a production-ready state. Features landed must be complete and functional.

Every Release Branch creates an opportunity to establish a new Long Term Support release. For instance, suppose the master branch rolls to version 2.0.0. The LTS WG can decide in advance that there will be an LTS release in the 2.0.x stream. At any point, the LTS WG can declare any version within that stream to be an "LTS Candidate" by cutting a 2.0.x-rc.1 tag where x is the current patch level. Sufficient time should then be given to allow the tag to be reviewed and tested. If things look good, the 2.0.x version becomes the LTS Release. If, after testing, it becomes apparent that additional patches or even minor bumps become necessary, the LTS Candidate can be shifted and new 2.y.x-rc.2 tag created where y is the current minor and x is the current patch. LTS Releases are identified by appending a ~0.0.0 to the version (i.e. 2.5.3~0.0.0). This additional metadata identifies the post-release semantic versioning extension for the LTS release.

Once the -rc.1 tag is cut at a particular point, the master stream goes into "Feature Freeze" until the release branch is cut. New features landed before the -rc.1 tag make it into the LTS Release, those that do not must wait to land until after the Feature Freeze is lifted.


  • LTS WG declares that there will be an LTS Release in the 2.0.x stream.
  • Major version rolls over to 2.0.0
  • 2.0.0 is tagged as 2.0.0-rc.1, Feature Freeze on master begins
  • Several Patches on 2.0.x occur such that the current version is 2.0.10
  • The LTS WG feels that 2.0.10 is stable so it cuts the 2.0.10-rc.2 tag.
  • Additional testing shows no significant issues with 2.0.10-rc.2 so 2.0.10 is declared to be the LTS Release.
  • The 2.0.10~0.0.0 branch is created off 2.0.10, Feature Freeze on master is lifted.
  • Later on, bugs are discovered in the LTS branch that need to be fixed. A Minor bump and several Patches are commited making the updated LTS version 2.0.10~0.1.5
     |      LTS feature freeze          |
  -------------------------------------------------------> master
     \  .......................... \
    2.0.0                        2.0.10 -----------------> (LTS stream)
      |                           |      \          \
      |                           |    ~0.0.0     ~x.y.z
  tag:2.0.10-rc.1           tag:2.0.10-rc.2


  • LTS WG declares that there will be an LTS Release in the 2.5.x stream.
  • Major+Minor version rolls over to 2.5.0
  • 2.5.0 is tagged as tag:2.5.0-rc.1, Feature Freeze on master begins
  • Several Patches on 2.5.x occur such that the current version is 2.5.6
  • A PR comes in that would roll a Minor version increase to 2.6.0,
  • The LTS WG decides to include the Minor increase in the LTS so that 2.6.x becomes the new LTS Candidate
  • 2.6.0 is tagged as 2.6.0-rc.2
  • A couple additional patches come in and the LTS WG feels that 2.6.2 is stable enough to cut the 2.6.2-rc.3 tag.
  • Additional testing shows no significant issues with 2.6.2-rc.3 so 2.6.2 is declared to be the LTS Release.
  • The 2.6.2~0.0.0 branch is created off 2.6.2, Feature Freeze on master is lifted.
  • Later on, a major security vulnerability in the LTS branch is discovered. The fix requires a backwards compatible breaking change in, forcing a Major bump in the Post release metadata. The 2.6.2~1.0.0 tag is created to reflect the change.
     |          LTS feature freeze              |
  -------------------------------------------------------> master
     \  ............ \ ....... \ ......... \
    2.5.0           2.5.6    2.6.0        2.6.2 ---------> (LTS stream)
      |                        |           |     \      \
  tag:2.5.0-rc.1        tag:2.6.2-rc.2     |   ~0.0.0 ~1.0.0

The goal here is to allow LTS Releases to be cut organically without adversely impacting the overall flow of commits into master. The additional patch metadata, while admittedly annoying, allows the LTS WG to work independently of the primary versioning scheme in master, allowing LTS releases to be cut at any time and even allowing multiple LTS releases within a single Major.Minor stream if necessary. The LTS WG could even decide to skip Major version bumps entirely if necessary.

Issues Workflow

The tracking and management of issues is still an open discussion. See nodejs#9 and nodejs#8

Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.0

By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or

(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or

(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.

Stability Policy

The most important consideration in every code change is the impact it will have, positive or negative, on the ecosystem (modules and applications). To this end, all Collaborators must work collectively to ensure that changes do not needlessly break backwards compatibility, introduce performance or functional regressions, or negatively impact the usability of the Project on any of the platforms officially targeted for support by the Project. The TSC is responsible for determining the list of supported platforms.

When discussing stability, it is important to first review Node.js' layered architecture:

   |          Module and Application Ecosystem         |
        |                |            |              |
        |                | +----------------------+  |
        |                | |  Binary Abstraction  |  |
        |                | |        Layer         |  |
        |                | +----------------------+  |
        |                |     |             |       |
   +----------------+    |     |             |       /
   |  Node.js Core  |    |     |             |      /
   |  Library API   |    |     |             |     /
   +----------------+    |     |             |    /
   |     js impl    |    |     |             |   /
   +----------------+    |     |             |  /
            |            |     |             | /
   +--------------------------------------+  |/
   | Node.js Application Binary Interface |  |
   +--------------------------------------|  |
   |              C/C++ impl              |  |
   +--------------------------------------+  |
                      |                      |
        | Dependencies: v8, libuv, openssl, etc |

Node.js currently builds on top of several key dependencies including the V8 JavaScript engine, libuv, openssl and others. The Node.js Application Binary Interface provides critical functionality such as the Event Loop which critical to how Node.js operates. The Node.js Core Library is the primary interface through which most Modules and Applications built on top of Node perform I/O operations, manipulate data, access the network, etc. Some modules and applications, however, go beyond the Core Library and bind directly to the Application Binary Interface and dependencies to perform more advanced operations. The Binary abstraction layer is used to buffer module and application developers from changes in the Application Binary Interface and Dependencies.

Due to the existing layering, modules and applications are sensitive not only to changes in the Core Library API, but the Application Binary Interface and dependendencies as well.

Any API addition to either the Node.js Core Library API or Application Binary Interface must result in a semver-minor version increase.

Any backwards incompatible change to either the Node.js Core Library API or Application Binary Interface must result in a semver-major version increase.

Issue: Should any modification to the ABI, Dependencies or Native abstractions that require module or application developers to recompile force a semver-major change? What about if it's just a recompile and not a code change?

Node.js implements a number of default values and assumed behaviors. Some of these may be intended for module and application developers to take advantage of while others may not. As a general rule, if a given default value or assumed behavior is documented within the end-user API documentation, it should be considered part of the public API. When modifying such defaults, Collaborators should use their best judgement to determine whether any given change is "technically backwards incompatible but in practice should not be".

APIs and default behaviors in the Node.js Core Library, Application Binary Interface, Dependencies and binary abstractions must not change within LTS Releases unless the change is required to address a critical security update.

Platform Stability

The Platforms supported by the Node.js project are generally divided into four distinct categories: Primary, Secondary, Experimental and Deprecated.

Primary Platforms consist of those supported in LTS Releases. These are the Platforms on which Node.js must not break and for which subsequent LTS Releases must be fully operational with no regressions.

Secondary Platforms consist of those with support in the master branch but have not yet been included in an LTS Release.

Experimental Platforms consist of those for which there is active ongoing development to port Node.js to the platform but functionality may not yet be feature complete or fully operational. Support for experimental platforms may not yet have been committed to master and might be done in a Development branch or separate repository entirely. The goal for Experimental Platforms would be for them to eventually graduate to Secondary Platforms.

Secondary and Experimental Platforms remain active so long as there are Collaborators actively maintaining support for them.

Deprecated Platforms consist of prior Primary, Secondary or Experimental Platforms that are no longer under active development and are no longer supported by active Collaborators. Only the TSC can decide to move a Primary platform to Deprecated status.

Dependency Stability

JavaScript Support (V8)

Node.js will adopt new V8 releases as quickly as practically feasible. For LTS Releases, the version of V8 shipped must be fully functional with no regressions on all Primary Platforms.

When V8 ships a breaking change to their C++ API that can be handled by the binary abstraction layer there will be a semver-minor version increase.

When V8 ships a breaking change to their C++ API that cannot be handled by the binary abstract layer there will be a semver-major version increase.

When new features in the JavaScript language are introduced by V8, there will be a semver-minor version increase. TC39 has stated clearly that no backwards incompatible changes will be made to the language so it is appropriate to increase the minor rather than the major.

With a few notable exceptions, the Node.js Core Library API is largely built around ES5 Language features. While there are currently no plans to do so, it is possible for post-ES5 JavaScript language features to be introduced into the Core Library API in the future. If such changes can be introduced in a manner that is transparent to module and application developers and will not cause existing applications to break, the changes can be landed after sufficient review with either a semver-patch or semver-minor version increase (depending on whether the change introduces new APIs). However, if the changes cause a backwards incompatible change to the existing API or could cause existing modules and applications to break the change must be reviewed and approved by the TSC and must result in a semver-major version increase.

Other dependencies

Other dependencies such as OpenSSL, libuv and http-parser are handled similarly.

Node.js will continue to adopt new dependency releases as often as practically feasible.

When a dependency ships a breaking change to their API, if that change can be abstracted by the Node.js Application Binary Interface such that module and application developers can be isolated from the change without breaking existing applications, there will be a semver-minor version increase.

When a dependency ships a breaking change to their API that cannot be abstracted by the Node.js Application Binary Interface, there will be a semver-major version increase.

When dependencies introduce additional functionality that does not break backwards compatibility in any way, there will be a semver-minor version increase.


While the npm utility is shipped as part of Node.js, it is not a functional dependency in the same way as V8, OpenSSL or libuv. Specifically, npm is not considered part of the Node.js API. As a general rule, semver-patch and semver-minor updates in npm may be introduced into Node.js with only a semver-patch version increase. If there is a semver-major update in npm, such as when npm rolls over to version 3.0.0, then a semver-major version increase should occur in Node.js. However, the TSC may alter this policy in the future depending on the nature and scope of changes expected in newer versions of npm.

A Few Open Questions

  1. What about things like http_parser and libuv? Does it make sense to see about bringing each into the foundation as their own projects?
  2. What about all the other repos under iojs/* and joyent/*, which of those will move over to the foundation?


  1. The existing Node.js Workflow (https://nodejs.org/documentation/workflow/) contains the notion of "Milestones" (https://nodejs.org/documentation/workflow/#index_md_flexible_workflow_only_two_strict_rules). These are essentially Long Term Support Release targets used as goalposts for landing specific edits. The "LTS Candidate" process described in the Long Term Release section above would largely replace the Milestone mechanism. When the LTS WG declares that a particular Major.Minor release is an LTS Candidate, a Milestone should be created identifying it as such. The PR or Issue can then be associated so that Issues or PR's that should be landed or closed before cutting the LTS Release can be tracked.

  2. The existing Node.js Workflow requires that all PR's can only be landed using a specific Jenkin's "node-accept-pull-request" job. This document requires that all PR's must be tested to ensure that all tests pass but it does not go into specific detail on the CI process. It is expected that a Release Working Group will establish the specific step-by-step process by which Pull Requests must be landed.

  3. The existing Node.js Workflow recently introduced the notion of "Priority" and "Status" tags for Issues. For instance, the P-0 tag can be used to label issues that break node on at least one supported platform and need to be resolved as quickly as possible. The intent of the Priority tags is to assist in the triage of issues and help Collaborators determine which issues to work on first. The io.js project currently does not have a similar mechanism and feedback from io.js participants has been that such a Priority tagging system may not be of use (and could be actively harmful) given the way they've chosen to handle issues.

  4. Within io.js, the Binary Abstraction Layer of choice is currently NAN. Several of the Node.js contributors are not yet sure if NAN is the right choice. This will need to be decided at some point. For now, I've abstracted the abstraction layer in this document.