
[Bug] NPE during Wolf Slayer quest

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Bug Description

Killed a Pack Enforcer during Wolf Slayer III and was immediately disconnected.

SBA Version


Other Installed Mods

# System Stats
[OS][Windows 11]
[CPU][16x AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor ]
[Display][1920x1009 (NVIDIA Corporation)]
[GPU][NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2]
[GPU Driver][4.6.0 NVIDIA 550.09]
[Maximum Memory][32671MB]
# Java Stats
[Java][1.8.0_392 64bit]
[Memory][ 36% 1314/3641MB]
[Memory Allocated][ 48% 1776MB]
# Game Stats
[Loaded Mods][10]
# Neu Settings
[On SkyBlock][TRUE]
[Mod Version][2.1.1+ci.45cabaf]
[SB Profile][Strawberry]
[Has Advanced Tab][TRUE]
# Reset Repository location
[Using Backup][true]
[Loaded Items][5899]
[Lowest Bin API Location][]
# Mods Loaded
[Minecraft Coder Pack][minecraft.jar (9.19)]
[Forge Mod Loader][forge-1.8.9- (]
[Minecraft Forge][forge-1.8.9- (]
[Essential][Essential (forge_1.8.9).jar (]
[Serverlist Buffer Fixer][serverlistbufferfixer-1.0.2.jar (1.0.2)]
[Command Keybindings][Command Keybindings bp1.8.9( (bp1.8.9(]
[NotEnoughUpdates][NotEnoughUpdates-2.1.1+ci.45cabaf-dep.jar (2.1.1+ci.45cabaf)]
[§cNot §aSo §9Essential][NotSoEssential-Forge-1.0.3.jar (1.0.3)]
[Patcher][Patcher-1.8.7 (1.8.9).jar (1.8.7)]
[SkyblockAddons][SkyblockAddons-1.8.4+140-for-MC-1.8.9.jar (1.8.4+140)]

Operating System

Windows 11 (Pro Insider Preview Build 25997.rs_prerelease.231110-1241)

Crash Report


@Nessiesson I did not encounter any problems when I checked it myself. Could you share whole log next time?

Apologies for the delay. These should be what you want:
fml-client-latest.log latest.log

@Nessiesson could you try with latest build again? You can enable dev mod with /sba dev. After than you could open slayer drops logging with /sba toggleSlayerTrackerLogging I'm waiting for your feedback.

That appears to have fixed it! Thanks.