Decode DIN EXI messages and save to file
APdUG2 opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm trying to decode DIN EXI messages using V2GDecoder, but I'm not being able.
I'm also seeing that within schemas_din folder the namespaces used are from the iso old version, is this the same as DIN?
I'm also not being able to save the output to a file using --output option. I've tried both directly decoding the exi string and in webserver mode.
Thanks in advance.
By default, the decoder uses the default schemas
repository, so try switching the DIN grammar directory with this one to use schemas_din
grammar instead. But I will improve the decoder to switch the patch dynamically when I'll have a little more time.
About your output, I completely forgot to finish this feature. Actually, the result is saved in a filename beginning with output*
as follows:
$ ls -la out*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fluxius fluxius 3477 mai 27 16:55 'out.2021-05-27 16:55:15.05.xml'
Okay, I have managed to decode DIN exi messages by changing that folder. Anyway let me know if you finally change the code so that it changes dinamically from one to the other.
I haven't been able to save it to a file, could you paste a command example on how to save it to a file?
Thanks for the help!