
Selfhost without Email

FischlerA opened this issue · 4 comments

i'm currently trying to get Flagsmith up and running inside of our kubernetes cluster.
The Deployment is working just fine, the only issue is, as soon as i try to access a feature flag the configuration window immediately closes.

The logs contain the following error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: SENDGRID_API_KEY must be declared in settings.py

In my understanding this settings is required for sending Emails.

According to the documentation https://docs.flagsmith.com/deployment/locally-api#email-environment-variables it should be possible to run Flagsmith selfhosted without email, what Environment Variables need to be set/configured for this to work?

Further investigation showed, that the configuration of the email has nothing to do with the feature flag configuration window immediately disappearing rather it is due to this issue here

FYI, you can set EMAIL_BACKEND: django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend


Hi @FischlerA, are you happy for this issue to be closed? From having read the above, am I right that there is an outstanding issue, but it is tracked by Flagsmith/flagsmith#340 instead?

Hi @plumdog yes, as far as i am aware this issue can be closed.