Feat request: Output device logs into results dir
dginovker opened this issue · 1 comments
dginovker commented
Author the user story for this feature
As a user running Flank in CICD, I want to capture the device logs that happened while I ran a robo test so I can parse them and make sure certain logs appeared.
Specifically, I'm testing Unity apps which don't support a lot of the built-in automation test tooling, but with the logs I can at least make sure a certain scene gets reached.
Describe the solution
Output logs in results/YYYY-MM-DD_XX-YY-ZZ.ABCDEF/logs/{text_axis_value}.txt
so it can be grep'ed
Describe alternatives considered
Looking into where the logs are saved on Google Cloud and downloading them myself
dginovker commented
- logcat
Does exactly what's being requested