
fleex build not working properly

ribersec opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi i am using linode with fleex

when i am creating a new image with fleex build -d (with or without -d, it doesn't matter) the image is does not get created but and the VPS is getting deleted immediatly when the fleex build command is executed, so there is not enough time to make an image.

I guess it has to do with the merge from 13th of august.

fleex build
everthings getting installed.
INFO[0894] Fleet/Box deleted! <-- so there is no time for creating a image.

the image is getting build, but receives an error because the vps is deleted.

If you need more info, let me know.

xm1k3 commented

thanks for opening this issue, with Linode I had not had this problem, the image was generated even after deleting the linode

as soon as possible I will test and fix the problem