
Extra Alchemy: a Minecraft mod that expands on potions

Primary LanguageJava

Extra Alchemy

This mod adds a bunch of potions to minecraft, with a few extra neat tweaks. Check the wiki for more info! (JEI is highly recommended to find potion recipes in-game)

Extra Alchemy Issue Tracker

Issue Collector for Extra Alchemy

If you encounter any bugs, crash or you just simply want to contribute to the mod with some suggestions or translations, just open a new issue here and I'll take a look at it (and possibily fix it if it applies).

  • Please, DO NOT paste crashlogs directly on the issue, use a service like pastebin.

  • Please, DO NOT complain with issues like "I crash when I open my save" without any proper crashlog, description or steps on how to reproduce said issue.

  • Please, follow the included issue reporting form.

  • Please, read the following quick tutorials

Click here to open a new issue

Get your mod list 101

To get your mod list in Windows if you don't use a modpack, open your minecraft mods folder and copy the path from the field on the top. It will look something like this: C:\the\path\to\the\file.

Then open a command prompt and type:


Followed by enter. Double quotes are necessary!

After that, without closing the prompt, type

dir /b>mod_list.txt

Followed by enter.

This will create a file called "mod_list.txt" in your mods directory, containing the whole list of installed mods. Send it via pastebin

Using PASTEBIN to post a file

  1. Open the file with a notepad software (Windows notepad works ok, Notepad++ is better)
  2. Copy its content (Ctrl+A to select everything, Ctrl+C to copy)
  3. Open Pastebin
  4. Paste what you copied and confirm with the "Create new Paste" button
  5. Send me the link of the page you get redirected to, not the whole content of the file, please.