
Normalize: harmonizeWithSource=false parameter is simply ignored

lechuckcaptain opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected Behavior

No keys should be added to strings files if normalize task has set the parameter to harmonizeWithSource = false

Actual Behavior

Keys are added with empty string as value

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Enable normalize task
  2. Set harmonizeWithSource = false
  3. Add new terms to source language (e.g. "en")
  4. Run bartycrouch update
  5. New terms are added to target languages strings files, with value = ""


Version: 4.2.0
Platform: MacOS 10.15.6 (19G73)
IDE Version: 11.6 (11E708)

Just merged #197 and made a new release (4.3.1), once Homebrew/homebrew-core#62156 is merged, it should be available via Homebrew. Thank you @lechuckcaptain for reporting this and providing the fix. FYI @guidedways