
Pure embedded rust example rc-switch sender on STM32F411

Primary LanguageRust

funksteckdose cc1101 example

Embedded rust example for WeAct STM32F411 MiniF4. This uses a fork of the funksteckdose crate (forked to enable no_std) and a fork of the cc1101 crate (forked to allow transmitting).

The application toggles an rc switch when the user key is pressed.

funksteckose is a partial reimplementation of rc-switch, so for more details see [https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch].

cc1101 module

cc1101 module is connected over SPI (pins A7 to A4) and GDO0 (pin A3). GDO0 is used to transmit data in asynchronous mode/compatibility mode - this lets the c1101 module be used in the same way as more common, simpler modules.


rust target

$ rustup target install thumbv7em-none-eabihf


$ cargo install cargo-binutils
$ rustup component add llvm-tools-preview


$ brew install dfu-util


$ cargo objcopy --release -- -O binary out.bin



Flashing with dfu requires the following procedure.

  1. Disconnect board from USB C.
  2. Short A9 and A10 (You can leave these connected).
  3. Connect USB C to board.
  4. Press BOOT0, NRST.
  5. Release NRST, wait 500ms, Release BOOT0.
  6. Flash with dfu-util with the following command.
$ dfu-util -a0 -s 0x08000000  -D out.bin


Using the ST-link with probe-run to flash and run with cargo run.

Install deps

$ brew install libftdi
$ cargo install cargo-flash
$ cargo install probe-run

Run with probe-run

probe-run is already set as the default cargo runner - just run cargo run.