
cli tool to set gpio pin on raspberry pi

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


rpi-gpio is used to control GPIO output pin states from the command line.


Usage of rpi-gpio:
        set to high
        dont reset pin state on close
  -pin int
        GPIO Pin to set (required) (default -1)
        enable printouts
  -wait duration
        wait time after setting pin state, before close (default -1)

If no wait duration is specified then the program has to be stopped by signalling SIGINT or SIGTERM.


[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ # Set GPIO pin 14 to High, and keep it high even after rpi-gpio has terminated
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ rpi-gpio -pin 14 -high -keep
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ # Set GPIO pin 14 to Low
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ rpi-gpio -pin 14
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ # Set GPIO pin 15 to High for 10 seconds
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ rpi-gpio -pin 15 -high -wait 15

Nix files

This repository mainly acts as a playground for packaging with Nix and using Nix shell. You can use the Nix package manager [https://nixos.org/] to install development dependencies and build the contents of this repo.

Nix development shell

[~/rpi-gpio]$ nix-shell

[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ # Check that go is installed
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ go version
go version go1.15.2 linux/arm64 
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ # Even the project was built and made available in PATH of nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ which rpi-gpio

[nix-shell:~/rpi-gpio]$ exit
[~/rpi-gpio]$ # nix shell exited, programs no longer available:
[~/rpi-gpio]$ which rpi-gpio
which: no rpi-gpio in ($PATH) 

Building with Nix

$ nix-build . # this is same as nix-build ./default.nix