
AWS SSM EC2 SSH Proxy Command

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Open an SSH connection to your ec2 instances via AWS SSM without the need to open any ssh port in you security groups.


Install SSH Proxy Command

  • Move proxy command script aws-ssm-ec2-proxy-command.sh to ~/.ssh/aws-ssm-ec2-proxy-command.sh
  • Ensure it is executable (chmod +x ~/.ssh/aws-ssm-ec2-proxy-command.sh)
Setup SSH Config [optional]
  • Add ssh config entry for aws ec2 instances to your ~/.ssh/config. Adjust key file path if needed.
    host i-* mi-*
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
      ProxyCommand ~/.ssh/aws-ssm-ec2-proxy-command.sh %h %r %p ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
      StrictHostKeyChecking no

Open SSH Connection

  • Ensure AWS CLI environemnt variables are set properly e.g.
    • export AWS_PROFILE=default or AWS_PROFILE=default ssh ... <INSTACEC_USER>@<INSTANCE_ID>
  • If default region does not match instance region you need to provide it
SSH Command with SSH Config Setup


  • e.g. ssh ec2-user@i-1234567890
SSH Command with ProxyCommand CLI Option
  -i "~/.ssh/id_rsa" \
  -o ProxyCommand="~/.ssh/aws-ssm-ec2-proxy-command.sh %h %r %p ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"

Alternative Implementation with ec2-instance-connect

The advantage from security perspective it that you don't need to grant ssm:SendCommand to users and there by the permission to execute everything as root. Instead you only grant ec2-instance-connect:SendSSHPublicKey permission to a specific instance user e.g. ec2-user.