
[SUGGESTION] Wrappers/helpers for data creation/editing of FHIR resources

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Right now it can be pretty difficult to create FHIR resources directly with Rust code.

Rust example:

let mut patient = Patient::builder().build();

let family_name = HumanName::builder().family(String::from("Family")).build();
let given_name = HumanName::builder().given(Vec::from([Some(String::from("Given"))])).build();

patient.name = vec![Some(family_name), Some(given_name)];

While for C# FHIR SDK it's like:

var patient = new Patient();
patient.Name = new List<HumanName>
    new HumanName
        Family = "Family",
        Given = new List<string>

My suggestion would be to either have a helper/wrapper for all fields, or if possible to do it like C# where you basically write it as JSON (I don't know if it's possible).

Suggestion 1

Have helpers for all fields

let mut patient = Patient::builder().build();


Suggestion 2

If possible have it similar to C#.

NOTE! Not valid code, just a suggestion as I really like this kind of syntax.

let mut patient = Patient::builder().build();

patient.name = {
  family = String::from("Family"),
  given = vec![Some(String::from("Given))]

You do know that you can do



You could probably also do

Patient {
    name: vec![...],

I cannot test, as I am on the move

Btw, you probably want to combine family and given name into one human name?


Great! You can disregard my suggestion in that case :)