
Unavailability of Weighted PLS in cSEM to analyze data from surveys with complex (stratified) sampling design

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear cSEM team,

As far as I was able to check, neither cSEM nor any of the other PLS SEM packages currently available in R is able to perform Weighted PLS taking into account the already available weights from a complex survey that used stratified sampling. A few weeks ago I was introduced to two articles (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2016.06.009 and https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2020.1754125) that showed the importance of using WPLS to analyze data from such surveys.

The WPLS algorithm that was used in both articles was implemented in SmartPLS. Currently, there is the lavaan.survey package in R which adjusts the results of lavaan objects taking into account the survey weights. I believe that if it is possible to implement the WPLS algorithm in cSEM, this would markedly increase the possibilities of using PLS in fields such as epidemiology and medicine.

If my understanding was incorrect and there is some way of adjusting the results of cSEM models for sampling weights, I would be grateful if you could provide some guidance in that regard.

On the other hand, if at this moment cSEM is not compatible with WPLS and you would consider adding this functionality for cSEM and you need any further details regarding examples of datasets with complex sampling designs or on the use of the survey package in R, which is commonly used to analyze such data, please do not hesitate do contact me at edison.vidal@unesp.br.

Best wishes,


Hey @eiovidal ,

thank you very much for your comment. I think you are right. Also to my knowledge, no R packages implements WPLS.

If I have some spare time left, I will have a look at WPLS and see how it can be implemented in cSEM. In case of questions, I will come back to you.

Best regards,

Thank you so much for considering this issue, @FloSchuberth

Best regards,


Dear @FloSchuberth,

I am writing to ask if you believe that an implementation of the WPLS algorithm in the cSEM package is likely to be implemented in the near future. I completely understand that you and other members of the cSEM package must be very busy and hope that my question does not sound rude by any means.

Best regards,


Dear Edison,

don't worry. Unfortunately, I had no time yet to implement WPLS and I am not sure whether this will happen in the near future. I am currently maintaining the package alone as the main maintainer left academia...I am sorry. However, I hope that I will find a PhD student who can pick up this task.

Best regards,