
Consolidate GSCAM and GSCA into I-GSCA

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  • Ensure that I-GSCA implementation reproduces current implementation of GSCA and GSCA-M
  • Archive old GSCA and GSCA-M code
  • Replace GSCA and GSCA-M with I-GSCA
  • Check if you can re-produce the loadings and path coefficients from ALS, by standardizing the weights, then following the rest of the cSEM algorithm to get loadings and path-coefficients.
  • What do "revised for simulation" mean in igsca_sim.m? What is it supposed to be?
  • See if we can reproduce matlab results if we standardize weights -> get loadings + path-coefficients via cSEM's normal way.
  • Maybe adjust GSCA_m to also be another .approach_weights option and to also require the .disattenuate to be TRUE to run?
  • Fix issue regarding models with common factors and composites
  • Complete .GSCA_modes functionality and documentation
  • X and W$Data are not the same in 00_foreman.R for IGSCA... Why? Does this matter? Can we simplify it?
  • Ensure that calculateFIT(), calculateFIT_m() and calculateFIT_s() are all compatible with GSCA_m and GSCA
  • Add calculateAFIT()
  • Make IGSCA exit early to side-step unnecessary computation using an if (){} statement, but still output a standard foreman() return to maintain compatibility
  • Fix calculateReliability() compatibility with IGSCA, GSCA_m and more, if necessary.
  • Allow random initial weights in IGSCA. Should it be passed to initializeIgscaEstimates? Or should initializeIgscaEstimates be bypassed?
  • Add tests for IGSCA compatibility when a construct only has one indicator (see GSCA_m implementation in calculate_weights.R)
  • Allow the estimation of both canonical and nomological composites in I-GSCA
  • Appropriate bypasses when only 1 construct of any kind is modelled, no structural model, etc