
[Translation] More strings to translate

ludrol opened this issue · 3 comments

Documentation should be split into API Documentation and Documentation as they are not the same

Completed should be split into Completion status and Completed

Types of transportation: Hiking, Walking, Climbing, Skiing, Canoeing, Biking

Cards at the top of the page: Home, Trails, Map (Some bugged resources?)

Zrzut ekranu z 2024-03-27 21-57-14

This whole box

Invalid Date in summit book

Side note: Very cool that apng files work and gifs don't

Technically I agree. However "API" will stay the same in every language, so I'll leave it for now.

Changed and added to the translation files.

Types of transportation (or categories) are not static but can be configured dynamically in the PocketBase backend. So the user can go ahead and change or translate them themselves.

The elevation graph is a third party dependency and changing the labels is unfortunately rather complicated because I cannot access the translation files in the usual way. Requires a bit more thought.

Added the invalid date string to the translation files.

All changes will apply with the next patch.

In polish it should be "dokumentacja API" not "API dokumentacja"

It's like saying "API documentation" and "documentation API"

One is Yoda speak and one is normal.

Understood. Added it to the translation.