
Version 0.60 - gpx Import ok, all tracks with wrong names

PaddyPat opened this issue · 4 comments


thanks for your work.

In previous version (0.40 I think) you used the from inside the gpx file and now in 0.60 all files via gpx upload (import folder via docker) are named like trail_importdate

looks like:

So all trails uploaded via gpx have the same cryptic name and not the name from the inside the from gpx file (garmin export has names inside gpx and it’s easier if you have over 1500 gpx files to find it by the right name)

maybe you could use again the original name from inside gpx file?

Br :-)

this is very likely related to a change I published in v0.6.0 to resolve #62. This should only affect GPX files that do not carry the name in the <metadata> tag. Before v0.6.0 these trails would cause an error when uploaded. Do you maybe have a sample file that I could test with? You can probably delete the actual route data in the file if you don't want to publish it.

Sure, I will later upload a few files from Garmin Connect and Komoot.

also it would be great in trails view, if there is no picture from track, to see the map with the route as preview

This should now be fixed in v0.6.1.