
CRUD mixins for JavaScript. Use cases: Manipulating data, creating plugin systems, and creating data-oriented coupling middleware.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CRUD Mixins

CRUD mixins for JavaScript. Use cases: Manipulating data, creating plugin systems, and creating data-oriented coupling middleware.

Principles of Operation

The classes Mixin, MixinPlugin, and MixinCompositor are exported by the mixin.js module, and can be combined by your application to compose a data-oriented plugin system. Mixin instances implement CRUD operations as methods.

Mixin Class

new Mixin( type, { [ make = null, get = null, set = null, del = null ] });

When Mixin is instantiated, the methods supplied to the constructor are assigned to the instance.

Mixin Constructor Parameters

  • type String

    The unique type definition string used to identify the mixin and its data.

Constructor parameters are optionally supplied via an object with the following properties:

  • make (Optional) Function:
    • For creating new data of a specific type.
  • get (Optional) Function:
    • For reading persistent data of a specific type.
  • set (Optional) Function:
    • For writing persistent data of a specific type.
  • del (Optional) Function:
    • For deleting persistent data of a specific type.

patchProperty Instance Method

mixin.patchProperty( mixin2, accessor );

Implements compositing between instances of Mixin; the method attempts to copy properties from the given object to the parent object if that property is missing from the parent.

patchMixin Instance Method

mixin.patchMixin( mixin2 );

Calls this.patchProperty on all of its own CRUD methods.

Example Mixin Usage

A real-world example of CRUD mixins is HockIt's config.js module and its JSONConfig mixin.

HockIt loads initial configuration data from a JSON file, and it does so via the mixin JSONConfig. All methods in Mixin JSONConfig are implemented by Plugin JSONConfigPlugin (named config.js).

Here is a very simplified example of how the plugin is implemented:

// Import the Mixin and MixinPlugin classes:
const { Mixin } =  require("crudMixin.js");

// The filesystem path of the default configuration file:
const defaultConfPath = __dirname + "/config.json";

// A Mixin for creating the default configuration object:
const JSONConfig = new Mixin("JSONConfig", {
	make: () => fs.readFileSync(defaultConfPath).toString("utf8");

// How the Mixin should be used:
const config = JSONConfig.make();

MixinPlugin Class

new MixinPlugin({ [ loadCondition = null, initPlugin = null, allowOverride = false, ...mixins ] });

MixinPlugin Constructor Parameters

Constructor parameters are supplied via an object with the following properties:

  • loadCondition (Optional) Function:
    • When the given function returns false, the plugin will not be loaded.
  • initPlugin (Optional) Function:
    • This function is arbitrarily executed after mixins are patched. Use this function to perform preparatory steps.
  • allowOverride
    • When set to true, automatically marks all CRUD methods of all child mixins as overwritable.
  • ...mixins Mixin:
    • Instances of Mixin.

Example MixinPlugin Usage

In this example scenario, we construct a "guestbook" application by combining functionalities supplied by two different plugins.

The following mixin plugin exports a MyGreeting mixin with its make method defined.

// Import the Mixin and MixinPlugin classes:
const { Mixin, MixinPlugin } = require("../crudMixin.js");

// Instantiate a new Mixin with type definition "MyGreeting":
const MyGreeting = new Mixin("MyGreeting",
	// Define the "make" method to output "Hello world!" or use a custom name:
	make = (name) => `Hello ${name}!`

// Export the Mixin inside a new MixinPlugin:
module.exports = new MixinPlugin({
	// Name of the plugin:
	name: "MyGreetingPlugin",
	// Version of the plugin:
	version: "1.2.3",
	// The mixin to be exported:

The following mixin plugin exports a similar MyGreeting mixin, however it lacks make and instead supplies get and set methods.

The set method logs greetings into a "guestbook" Map, whereas get retrirves previously logged greetings.

// Import the Mixin and MixinPlugin classes:
const { Mixin, MixinPlugin } = require("../crudMixin.js");

// Local variable for storing the data:
const guestbook = new Map();

// Instantiate a new Mixin with type definition "MyGreeting":
const MyGreeting = new Mixin("MyGreeting",
	// Define the "get" method to retrieve a greeting by name:
	get = (name) => {
		return guestbook.get(name);
	// Define the "set" method to store a greeting by name:
	set = (name, greeting = null) => {
		guestbook.set(name, greeting);

// Export the Mixin inside a new MixinPlugin:
module.exports = new MixinPlugin({
	name: "MyStoragePlugin",
	version: "4.5.6",

MixinCompositor Class

An instance of MixinCompositor composites mixins together, effectively "mixing" them. If at least two mixins are of the same type, then the constructor or addMixin method joins them together via calling the patchMixin methods of each mixin. The resulting instance of MixinCompositor assigns all given mixins to itself for easy access.

Mixins and mixin plugins can be manually added via methods addMixin and addPlugin.

addMixin Instance Method

addPlugin Instance Method

initMixinPlugins Instance Method

Example MixinCompositor Usage

Now in our main module (the business logic) we can combine the mixins and use them:

// Import the Mixin, MixinPlugin, and SetupMixin classes:
const { Mixin, MixinPlugin, MixinCompositor } = require("../crudMixin.js");

// Instantiate a new Mixin with type definition "MyGreeting".
// This instance lacks method definitions, but will be populated by "MixinCompositor":
const MyGreeting = new Mixin("MyGreeting");

// Define a plugin to contain the Mixins you intend to use:
const myPlugin = {
	name: "MyGuestbookPlugin",
	version: "7.8.9",

// Cross-inherit the Mixins via MixinCompositor, which returns a Promise:
const setupPromise = new MixinCompositor(myPlugin);

// Now that the "MyGreeting" Mixin is cross-inherited between plugins, we can use it.
// This is the main logic of our application:
setupPromise.then(() => {
	const name = "Testy McFly";
	// Generate a new greeting string:
	const greeting = MyGreeting.make(name);
	// Add the greeting to the guestbook:
	// Logs "Hello Testy McFly!" to console:

Theory of Operation

Mixin is a class which implements CRUD methods for manipulating any non-volatile/persistent data.

In object-oriented programming, a mixin is a way to reuse a class's code in multiple class hierarchies. Mixins are a powerful concept that allows for flexible and modular code organization, and promoting code reuse.

In this context, CRUD operations are "mixed in" with the Mixin objects that lack those methods. This combination ensures that each object contains an equivalent set of methods without overriding existing ones.

CRUD Mixins should be created as a single-instance uniqueness type within each module, and should be preserved in-memory for any subsequent needs. Instances of Mixin should be invoked as a result of user input, but never created as a result of user input.

The patchProperty(mixin, accessor) and patchMixin(mixin) methods implement compositing between instances of Mixin; the methods attempt to copy methods from the given mixin to the parent mixin if those methods are missing.

No-Override Principle

Instances of Mixin store a write-protection descriptor object in the property writeProtectedMethods, which is an object containing CRUD method accessors mapped to booleans to indicate which methods are write-protected. The write-protection descriptor is utilized in the method patchProperty.

If the parent mixin already has a method, then patchProperty and patchMixin will opt to skip writing that method. If overwriting is desired anyways, then write-protection must be disabled for that method. That is because patchProperty enforces a no-override principle when compositing mixins, such that by default each mixin is not allowed to overwrite another mixin's methods. Conversely, any locally declared instances of Mixin can still have their own methods defined, and they won't be overwritten after they are exported. This also means that as mixins are patched, each missing method is patched semi-permanently and can't be patched again unless the restriction is bypassed.

The no-override restriction may be bypassed manually via three different ways:

  1. Exporting the parent MixinPlugin with allowOverride = true.
  2. Calling the Mixin constructor with allowOverride = true as an input operand.
  3. Calling the Mixin instance method allowOverride():
  • Example: MyMixin.allowOverride(allowMake = true, allowGet = true, allowSet = true, allowDel = true)

patchProperty allows a single overwrite of each CRUD method before overwrite-protecting them again.

CRUD Mixin Plugins

Plugins are composed of exported MixinPlugin instances which are later parsed by MixinCompositor.

Each plugin module pre-loads functions into local instances of Mixin which are then packaged into a MixinPlugin instance and exported. The MixinPlugin instances are later imported into an instance of MixinCompositor.

A plugin module exports a MixinPlugin instance which contains Mixin instances and the following:

  • name: A string name for the plugin. Helps to differentiate stack traces.
  • version: A semantic versioning string. It is arbitrary for now.
  • allowOverride (Optional): A boolean, if set to true, allows methods of the given mixins to be overridden at least once.
  • initPlugin (Optional): A function to execute after all Mixin instances have been prepared.
  • loadCondition (Optional): A function which cancels plugin loading if it returns falsy.