
unencrypted reply to an encrypted message makes sent reply unreadable with flowcrypt

pi-2007 opened this issue · 1 comments


we are using flowcrypt 8.5.1 with Firefox, and when we reply with the normal "reply" Gmail button to an encrypted message, we initially see the reply correctly in the conversation at the bottom (while the initially encrypted message is not loading, but we see it above)


However, when we go back to our reply (e.g. F5), it gets displayed wrongly: we see the unencrypted message, but the previously encrypted message GPG ASCII is added immediately afterwards, making the email hard to read (or in case of images/attachments: they are not available anymore). see first screenshot. The same issue is visible at the receiver of the reply when using flowcrypt.


When we try this with e.g. a combination of protonmail and a user who doesn't have a public key (simply adding it manually to the reply), it works at the "non-flowcrypt" side: meaning the GPG armor is displayed in its encrypted form and below the message, so the unencrypted reply is easy to read


Hi @pi-2007,

thanks for such detailed issue description, I'll add it to our current milestone, we'll try to fix it before the next release.

Thanks for your feedback!