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Mutation Testing for Deep Reinforcement Learning

This replication package is intended for the paper "Mutation Testing of Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Real Faults" accepted to the International Conference on Software Testing (ICST) 2023. A preprint version is available on arxiv and the published version is available on the publisher's website IEEE.



Python 3.8 was used alongside the following libraries:

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Mutation operators comparison with Lu et al. paper

We give an extended version of the descriptions of our mutation operators as well as to which paper it references to.

Click to see the table
Our Mutation Description Reason for inclusion
Reward Noise (RN) In RL, one of the most important signals that the agent receives for evaluating its performance is the reward. The agent uses the reward signal to assess the quality of the actions it has taken in the states that it has visited. The RN mutation operator adds a noise to the true reward that the agent was meant to receive and returns it to the agent. We denote the noisy reward $r_t^*$. The new reward is calculated as $$r_t^* = r_t + \mathcal{N}(0,~0.1 \times r_t)$$ The agent may observe incorrect rewards from the environment due to sensory faults, bugs in environment implementation, or nefarious attacks [6]
Mangled (M) As explained in Background section, the agent collects its interactions with the environment in the form of $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})$ tuple. The correlation (like order, the resultant state/reward from previous actions) between these collected interactions, allows the agent to learn from its experiences. The M mutation operator damages the correlation between collected experiences. This operator returns a random $s_{t+1}$ and $r_t$ which are not the state and reward the agent should receive according to its current state and the taken action. We denote the new randomly selected $s_{t+1}$ and $r_t$ as $s'_{t+1}$ and $r'_t$, respectively. Therefore, instead of receiving $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})$, the agent receives $(s_t, a_t, r'_t, s'_{t+1})$ The agent may observe incorrect (state, reward) tuple from the environment due to sensory faults, bugs in environment implementation, or nefarious attacks [6]
Random (Ra) Similar to the mangled mutation operator, the \textit{Ra} mutation returns a $(s_t, a_t, r'_t, s'_{t+1})$ tuple to the agent. However, unlike the M operator where $s'_{t+1}$ and $r'_t$ are selected randomly and are not associated with each other, the random operator returns a $s'_{t+1}$ and $r'_t$ to the agent which were sampled from the same experience tuple but have no association with $s_t$ and $a_t$. Same as above
Repeat (R) Returns the previous observation to the agent. If the agent has two consecutive experiences in the form of $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})$ and $(s_{t+1}, a_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, s_{t+2})$, this operator returns $(s_{t+1}, a_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, s_{t+2})$ with $r_{t+1} = r_t, s_{t+2} = s_{t+1}$ Same as above
No Discount Factor (NDF) In order for the agent to learn a balance between short-term and long-term received rewards, the discount factor is used. If the developer does not implement this concept for calculating the rewards during agent's training, the resulting agent will put equal importance on all the actions it has taken and the rewards it has received. As a result, such an agent will either be unable to correctly learn the mechanics of the environment or have difficulty in doing so. Wrong network update category [3]
Missing Terminal State (MTS) In RL environments, the terminal state is defined as the state which was the last state the agent transitioned to before the environment was terminated. The termination criteria for an environment can be reaching the goal state, stepping into a trap state, or reaching a time limit. Normally in designing an RL environment, the terminal state contains a different reward signal than the rest of the transitions, e.g., if the agent falls in a trap, it should receive a negative reward. This mutation operator simulates the cases where the developer incorrectly implements identifying the termination criteria. As a result, the agent will not receive the termination signal and will be unable to correctly determine the correlation between the actions taken and the results achieved. Missing terminal state category [3]
No Reverse (NR) For calculating the returns of an episode, recent rewards are discounted less than the earlier ones. During implementing this concept, it is imperative that the practitioner pays attention to how this concept is applied. Wrong network update, a common mistake that developers make is forgetting to reverse the order of the received rewards during calculating the returns. The mutation operator simulates such cases where the resulting agents, do not reverse the order of the received rewards and therefore learn an incorrect association between the experiences. Wrong update rule category [3]
Missing State Update (MSU) The agent receives its interaction with the environment as a $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})$ tuple. Therefore, the developer needs to pay attention to correctly updating the state that agent is in, after taking an action. This means that after the agent takes another step and transitions from $s_{t+1}$ to $s_{t+2}$, the developer needs to update the experience tuple from $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})$ to $(s_{t+1}, a_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, s_{t+2})$. This mutation operator simulates the condition in which the developer makes a mistake in doing so. As a result, the agent always sees the same state in its experience tuple (e.g. $(s_{t}, a_{t+1}, r_{t+1}, s_{t+2})$ ) during training and is unable to learn the mechanics of the environment Missing stepping the environment category [3]
Incorrect Loss Function (ILF) During implementation of a deep RL algorithm, one of the most important steps is the correct implementation of the loss function. The loss function calculates the error of the agent's estimations and updates its Neural Network (NN) accordingly. This mutation operator, simulates the cases where a developer implements the loss function incorrectly. As a result, the error for agent's NN outputs is incorrectly calculated and the agent will be unable to learn the mechanics of the environment. Wrong update rule category [3]
Policy Activation Change (PAC) NNs generally reliy on non-linear activation functions such as ReLU and TanhH in order to introduce non-linearity which helps in modeling complex behaviors like object detection or image classification. Choosing the activation function correctly is important as it can have a great impact on how the model learns the policy. This mutation changes the default activation used in the policy network, i.e., NN that learns the agent’s policy. DeepCrime [1] Change Activation Function (ACH)
Policy Optimizer Change (POC) To search for the best set of weights for a given task, NNs use optimizers. An optimizer is an algorithm leveraged to minimize a loss function, with Gradient Descent methods being the most popular. As with activation, the choice of the optimizer used by an NN is crucial for the proper learning of the policy. This mutation modifies the default optimizer used for each algorithm, while keeping the learning rate the same. DeepCrime [1] Change Optimisation Function (OCH)

We list down the mutations used in Lu et al. [2]. We describe if a mutation is included to which of our mutations it refers to. If not included we give a reason why it was not included, generally there is a lack of evidence that such operator is based on a real fault, that is they did not provide a reference and we did not find evidence of such fault in the taxonomy we refer to.

Click to see the table
Their Mutation Description Included or not?
Reward Reduction Reduce High Reward Similar to our Reward Noise except we add a noise instead which mimic a sensor failure better. Manually setting is also more complex and prone to bias.
Reward Increase Increase Low Reward Same as above
Reward Instability Make rewards unstable Same as above
State Record Crash Hide or Duplicate state-action pairs Similar to our Repeat for the duplicate part. It's not clear how a state could hide, since something has to be returned to the agent. Nonetheless, we did not find a fault which would cause the program to hide as described.
State Delay Improperly associate a state with a subsequent action Similar to our Mangled
State Repetition Associate a fixed state with a series of continuous actions Similar to our Repeat, but seems to be more general.
State Error Associate a fixed state with a series of continuous actions Similar to our Random
Q-Table Fuzzing Fuzz Q-Table Too specific to simple Q-learning. Not observed in the faults we had.
Input-Layer Neuron Removal Remove input neurons While removed neurons can happen as they are describe in DeepCrime [1], they note that their implementation is "tricky as they trigger a cascade of changes" and "The usage of such operators might be limited depending on the structure of the network under test as some of the generated mutants might be causing crashes, which is not particularly useful for the mutation testing". In particular, Input/Output layers are sensitive ones as any change in the shape expected can cause problem since it won't match with the input fed to the network or expected by the labels which limits the relevance of generated mutants. Thus, we chose not to implement them.
Output-Layer Neuron Removal Remove output neurons Same as above
Output-Layer Neuron Addition Add neuron(s) in output layer Same as above
Changing Exploration Switch exploration approach Specific to Q-Learning. Not observed in the faults we had.
Mutating Epsilon Mutate ε value Specific to Q-Learning. Not observed in the faults we had.
Changing Noise Change noise injected into the parameters of Q-function For DQN, this would be akin to fuzzing the weights. Something that was done in for instance DeepMutation [4] in supervised learning. Yet, this mutation seems not to be based on a real fault as DeepCrime's taxonomy does not mention it. Similarly, we did not observe such fault in RL. Not implemented.
Switching Buffer Switch replay buffer mechanism We did not observed a fault where the switching off the replay buffer. The closest we have is implemented with the No Reverse which affect the order in which rewards are discounted.
Fuzzing Buffer Lose, repeat or modify experiences This mutation seems similar to some of their state level ones in their effect, expect it intervenes at the buffer level. Since it affects the experiences of the agents (i.e. tuple (State, action, reward)), our operators such as Repeat or Reward Noise act similarly. Nonetheless, we did not observe mutations that affected the buffer in that way (i.e. losing/modifying experiences in the buffer once they have been observed).
Shuffling Replay Priority Change the priority of replays A random version of our No Reverse. Is also covered partly in the No Discount Factor which is a special case of their mutation (i.e. all replays have the same priority). We did not observe a shuffling of the replay buffer.
Precision Mutation Mutate the precision of discretizing continuous spaces We did not observe such mutation. Moreover, in our experiments, we do not have environment with continuous spaces.
Approximation Mutation Change approximation methods Same as above

Training of agents

Trained agents are available on Zenodo as .zip file (~ 2GB). The archive should be unzipped in the experiments/ folder.

If you wish to retrain the agents as we did, you can run the following script:

python train.py -a [algorithm] -na [number_of_agents] -e [environment] -t [total_steps] -s [start_from] -m [mutation] 

algorithm is the algorithm name for instance ppo and environment the environment name for instance CartPole-v1. number_of_agents is the total number of agents to train (in our case 20), total_steps is the number of training steps, start_from is used to start training from a certain agent (for instance, -s 0 will start from agent of seed 0). Finally, mutation is the mutations are to be applied, as a string representing a dict. Omitting this parameter will train healthy agents by default.

For instance:

python train.py -a ppo -na 20 -e CartPole-v1 -t 200000 -s 0 -m '{"no_reverse": "None"}' 

will train 20 mutated PPO agents on CartPole-v1 for 200000 steps starting at seed 0 using the no_reverse mutation (note that "None" means no_reverse do not take extra parameters). This will create a logs/ and runs/ directory, with logs/ containing the checkpoints/best weights of the agents and runs/ some date needed to plot the training evolution over tensorboard. Only logs/ is needed for the rest of the procedure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In our case, we trained everything on CPUs and so the number of agents being trained equals the number of CPUs on which they will be trained (so in our case 20 CPUS).

Hyper-parameters used to train the models are given in settings.py in the HYPER_PARAMS variable. They are the same as the tuned ones presented in the RL-Zoo repositories. The only difference being that, since we could not use the vectorized option of stable baselines 3 as it conflicts with our multiprocess training/mutation injection, the number of vectorized environments for PPO and A2C was set to 1 and we increased the number of total steps to compensate. We checked that obtained value were inline were benchmark ones. The total steps for each environment/algorithm is as follow:

  • PPO/CartPole-v1: 200,000
  • PPO/LunarLander-v2: 2,000,000
  • A2C/CartPole-v1: 1,000,000
  • A2C/LunarLander-v2: 2,000,000
  • DQN/CartPole-v1: 50,000
  • DQN/LunarLander-v2: 100,000

Evaluating agents

Trained agents should be properly put in the experiments/ folder. The .zip file is already with the correct architecture and can be unzipped in the directory as it is. If agents were trained from scratch, the logs/ directory obtained should be placed in the correct sub-directory.

The next step is to evaluate the agents on the environment and to get their reward. This can be done with the following scripts:

python test_agent.py -a [algorithm] -na [number_of_agents] -e [environment] -m [mutation] 

Parameters are the same as in the Training of agents. This will generate a .csv file in the csv_res directory (already by default in the repository both in csv_res/ and in results/rewards_evaluation/) with the reward of the agents.

The evaluation is done over 10 episodes with a fixed seed to make sure the agents are evaluated on the same episodes for a fair comparison.

Mutation test on the initial environment

This part concerns the results of RQ1. Once the rewards of mutated and healthy agents are obtained, we can run the following scripts to obtain the results presented in Table III.

python eval_mut.py -a [algorithm] -e [environment] -m [mutation]

Parameters are the same as before except mutation which here is coded with the acronym of the mution. For instance, no_reverse is NR.


python eval_mut.py -a ppo -e CartPole-v1 -m NR

will return

Environement: CartPole-v1, Model ppo, Mutation NR
Average Mutated/Healthy Ratio Test : 1.0
Reward Distribution Test : Killed
Distance Distribution Test: Killed

All the results are already stored in the file mutations_results_initial_environment.txt in the results directory.

Generating test environments

As described in RQ2, in order to find relevant First Order Mutations (FOM) following Jia et al. [5], we need to come up with multiple test cases to test our FOM on, i.e. in our case multiple test environments. Candidate test environments are generated by modifying two parameters of an initial environments. Those custom environments can be found in custom_test_env.py. The parameters modified as well as the initial/boundaries values are as follow:

Environment Parameters Initial Values Boundaries Values
CartPole-v1 cart's mass, pole's mass [1.0, 0.1] [[1.0, 20.0], [0.1, 20.0]]
LunarLander-v2 gravity, side_engine power [-10.0, 0.6] [[-20.0, 0], [0, 5.0]]

To search for the boundary test environments as well as to evaluate said test environments on the FOM, the following script should be run:

python algo.py -a [algorithm] -e [environment] -i [init_val] -l [limits] -b [bounds] -t [test_mode] -n [number_of_cpus]

init_val is a list of the initial value of the environment, limits are the search limits for the binary search for each parameter given as lower_param_1 upper_param_1 lower_param_2..., bounds are the test environments parameters if already computed (avoid the search). test_mode is the mutation test method being applied. Both are distribution based following DeepCrime's approach, only the distribution metric changes with r for reward based (default) and dtr for inter/intra distance based (see RQ1 results). number_of_cpus is simply the number of cpus used (by default, maximum available - 1).

For instance:

python algo.py -a ppo -e CartPole-v1 -i 1.0 0.1 -l 1.0 20.0 0.1 20.0

will calculate the generated test environments for CartPole-v1 with PPO algorithm and the initial/boundaries values presented in the previous table. This will generate a .csv file named mut_ppo_CartPole-v1.csv with the list of generated test environments and a boolean for each FOM depending on whether said test environment killed the FOM or not given the test method reward based. Results for all FOM are already present in the results/ directory which yield the table IV in our paper.

Evaluating Higher Order Mutation properties

Based of results of the previous script (RQ2 in our paper), relevant FOM are identified and combined for each algorithm/environment type/test method to obtain Higher Order Mutation (HOM). At that stage, new mutated agents using those HOM need to be trained following a similar procedure as in Training of agents, with the mutation properly set. So for instance for a HOM including no_reverse and missing_state_update, the flag in train.py becomes '{"no_reverse": "None", "missing_state_update": "None"}'.

Models trained need to have the logs/ directory set in the correct sub-directory. Once again, if you uncompress the .zip from Zenodo, everything will be set accordingly.

.csv files from the previous RQ should be put into the sub-directory fom_test_env_killed (by default, the files are already there).

Finally, the following script should be run:

python hom_prop.py -a [algorithm] -e [environment] -t [test_mode] -n [number_of_cpus]

Parameters are the same as before. All information about test environments parameters... will be taken from the relevant .csv file from the directory.

For instance,

python hom_prop.py -a ppo -e CartPole-v1 -t r

will calculate the killed HOM for each test environments previously generated and stored in mut_ppo_CartPole-v1.csv, as well as the HOM properties, i.e. Subsuming/Non-Subsuming and Coupled/Decoupled. Obtained file is hom_ppo_CartPole-v1.csv.

Hot Fixes

07/02/2023: Error in the 'no_discount_factor' mutation applied to DQN: it should be (1 - replay_data.dones) and not (replay_data.dones). Updated the code as well as provided trained agents with the correct mutation in results/corrected_NDF_DQN/.

When testing on the initial environment, the following results were obtained with the new agents:

Environement: CartPole-v1, Model dqn, Mutation NDF
Average Mutated/Healthy Ratio Test : 0.55
Reward Distribution Test : Killed
Distance Distribution Test: Killed
Environement: LunarLander-v2, Model dqn, Mutation NDF
Average Mutated/Healthy Ratio Test : 0.95
Reward Distribution Test : Killed
Distance Distribution Test: Killed

i.e. only a change on the AVG method when the environment is CartPole-v1 (from 1.0 to 0.55), rest is unchanged.


[1] N. Humbatova, G. Jahangirova, and P. Tonella, “Deepcrime: mutation testing of deep learning systems based on real faults,” in Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 67–78, 2021.

[2] Y. Lu, W. Sun, and M. Sun, “Towards mutation testing of reinforcement learning systems,” Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 131, p. 102701, 2022.

[3] A. Nikanjam, M. M. Morovati, F. Khomh, and H. Ben Braiek, “Faults in deep reinforcement learning programs: a taxonomy and a detection approach,” Automated Software Engineering, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1–32, 2022

[4] L. Ma, F. Zhang, J. Sun, M. Xue, B. Li, F. Juefei-Xu, C. Xie, L. Li, Y. Liu, J. Zhao, et al., “Deepmutation: Mutation testing of deep learning systems,” in 2018 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), pp. 100–111, IEEE, 2018.

[5] Y. Jia and M. Harman, “Higher order mutation testing,” Information and Software Technology, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 1379–1393, 2009. Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2008.

[6] T. Everitt, V. Krakovna, L. Orseau, M. Hutter, and S. Legg, “Reinforce- ment learning with a corrupted reward channel,” 2017.