
Adding font-awesome-iron-iconset makes the UploadHandler component from Viritin disappear from my page.

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Could it be that these 2 add-ons are conflicting somehow? Initially logged here viritin/flow-viritin#60

To reproduce:

  • clone https://github.com/vaadin/skeleton-starter-flow-spring
  • Add these dependencies in pom.xml
  • Change MainView.java to be just this:
public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
    public MainView(@Autowired GreetService service) {

        add(new UploadFileHandler((content, fileName, mimeType) -> {
  • mvn clean spring-boot:run, you will notice the widget being shown in the view.
  • mvn com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:clean-frontend
  • mvn clean spring-boot:run -Pproduction and the widget disappears from the view.
  • Remove the font-awesome-iron-iconset dependency
  • mvn com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:clean-frontend
  • mvn clean spring-boot:run -Pproduction, the upload widget appears again.

Hello. Which exact version of Vaadin are you using? Is there any error message in the browser console?

24.3.10, there are no errors reported in the browser console.

I have tried older versions (up to 2.8.5) of the viritin add-on, but the problem persists. It always works in development mode, but never in production mode. It seems that these 2 add-ons are stepping on each other toes somehow. If there is anything i can do to debug this, happy to help.

I just figured out that setting <optimizeBundle>false</optimizeBundle> on the vaadin-maven-plugin fixes things. So this is likely a bug in Vaadin and not this plugin.

This was fixed in Viritin, so i think the issue can be closed here.

Thanks for confirming that this issue has been fixed in Viritin. If you encounter any further issues or have additional questions, please feel free to open a new issue.