
Support IconFactory

javier-godoy opened this issue · 6 comments

The icon classes should implement IconFactory (assuming that a sensible resolution for
vaadin/vaadin-icons-flow#77 is possible). Otherwise consider replacing IronIcon with Icon. See FlowingCode/IronIconsAddon#4

Replacing IronIcon with Icon will require an incompatible API change. Defer resolution until Vaadin 18 is released.

Defer resolution until next Vaadin LTS is released.

Hi, don't you want to consider your own IconFactory class instead of the Vaadin one? Just like the Vaadin IconFactory except that create() would return IronIcon?
It would be a very minor refactor (maybe you wouldn't need to wait for the next LTS) and if all FontAwesome enums (regular, solid, brands) extend it (just like VaadinIcon) at least it would make them interchangeable. Currently it is difficult to use them interchangeably.
I know it wouldn't make FontAwesome and VaadinIcon compatible but at least the FontAwesome types would be compatible.

@AndrasJanurik, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. We'll release a new major version (for Vaadin 23) that's based on vaadin Icon instead of IronIcon and implements IconFactory.

Very good and thanks for letting me know. Do you know when this next release will happen?