
Using FontAwesome with vaadin and quarkus

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hey :)

I'm using this package with vaadin and quarkus.

I can import the module, and use it in my code.

However, the icon is not rendered in the UI


How can i fix it ?

This add-on is not distributed with a Jandex Index, hence you need to add a quarkus.index-dependency entry, see: https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/integrations/quarkus/#quarkus.vaadin.addons

Now, i'm using:


However, the page doesn't load anymore
I have this error on the webpage logs (in the browser)

fab.js:2887 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Iconset.register is not a function

I'm using v5.2.1

Which version of the framework are you using? (5.2.1 is compatible with Vaadin 24)
Do Vaadin icons work in your application?

I’m using Vaadin 23.3.6
Vaadin icons works well in my application

For Vaadin 23 use version 4.x of the add-on (the latest is v4.4.1)

I confirm that using v4.4.1 made the Icon visible
Thank you :)