
Markers: animationEnabled and optimized properties questions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

paodb commented

This two properties have no effect on markers when set to true.

  • animationEnabled: property on google-map web-component is called animation and it expects a String that represents the type or animation. It has this comment: "A animation for the marker. "DROP" or "BOUNCE". See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/marker-animations." In that example you can see that it needs to recibe an animation type. So my question is, what was the idea behind animationEnabled property on GoogleMapMarker class?
  • optimized: I didn't find any property with that name on the web-component. The JavaDoc says "Enables/disables marker optimization. If enabled, many markers are rendered as a single static element. Disable if you want to use animated GIFs or PNGs." but is doing when enabled. So, is this property supposed to exist on google-map? What it should do?

Let's replace the first one for the animation property of the web component and try to see if it's working.
Regarding the second one, let's just remove that.

paodb commented

The animation property doesn't seem to be working on the web-component so I need to investigate a little bit more before doing more changes.

paodb commented

As this encloses two diferent actions, I've created a new issue for the removal of the optimized option #81.

paodb commented

The animation part it's tricky, I followed several examples like https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/marker-animations#maps_marker_animations-html but the web-component it's not triggering the animation. And even if that works, the current property in the java side, "animationEnabled" is a boolean and the web-component property is "animation" and it expects a String representing one of the two possible animation values: DROP or BOUNCE. So I think this "animationEnabled" property should be deprecated if not removed.