
[BUG] Attachment Link Not Showing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Using E2B in Flowise Chat Embedded, graph is not displayed in the right container.
Img is displayed in the <div class=”w-full h-full bg-cover”> instead of p in the flow. The attachement in the flow is not displaying image (wrong path).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a flow including E2B tool
  2. Create a full page html embedded website
  3. Prompt to get a graph displayed

Expected behavior
The graph img to be displayed in the flow


• Installation on Render
• Flowise version [2.1.3]
• OS: [Windows]
• Browser [chrome, firefox, edge, safari]

The attachment is actually not the graph from E2B, but a hallucinated answer from LLM which doesnt exists. To improve it, you should explicitly tells the LLM not to generate attachment link or URL

I am not sure because:

  1. It is clearly stated in the prompt it MUST display a graph using its tools
  2. The first image (the one not hallucinated and displayed) is not displayed in the right div (you can see the margin applied to the answer is not applied to the graph)
  3. When manually putting the right link to the second image it displays correctly (with even border radius as directly in Flowise application)

Part of the system prompt related to charts:
If requested, you MUST use your TOOLS to create and display interactive chart representations of data. Ensure you retrieve the most updated data using your TOOLS before generating any charts. Display ONLY charts you have created using your TOOLS. Verify that attachments are functioning properly; if not, do NOT generate or display any charts based on assumptions or fabricated data.