
Item not found

swoop124 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello all,

i just installed Website-shot on my docker-server.
Installation went well.
But when I would like to take a screenshot from a Site then i get an errormessage in the right lower corner:

what can I do?
in docker logs is nothing unusual.


   │                                         │
   │   Nuxt @ v2.15.8                        │
   │                                         │
   │   ▸ Environment: production             │
   │   ▸ Rendering:   client-side            │
   │   ▸ Target:      server                 │
   │                                         │
   │   Memory usage: 45.1 MB (RSS: 103 MB)   │
   │                                         │
   │   Listening:    │
   │                                         │


hi, thanks for checking this out.

i'll check and get back to you

which url are you using to access the app locally? http://localhost:3000/ ? or ?
because wont work, only localhost works

if thats not the case, would u mind showing the url u tried to take screenshots of ?

FYI: just checked it with a clean docker build and works fine with the localhost url.


in the moment i use http://server.ip:3000.
But i tried again and now it is working.

Is there a bug or something in docker? That connetcions work only after a copple of minutes?
But thanks to the great work.

glad its working, no idea about the bug, never had issues with tbh.