
Dark mode toggle not working

t347s opened this issue · 4 comments

t347s commented

The toggle button does not change the theme:

Tested on latest version of Firefox and Chrome.

Thank you!

Flowko commented

hi, which website ?

Flowko commented

because what that option does is basiclly set prefers-color-scheme to either dark or light , which is supported on all modern browsers, so not sure about the website you trying to test.

tested with Github:

light mode


dark mode


t347s commented

UPS! I understand now what this button functionality, from info icon i undestood that the your solution is changing the color to dark, not the captured website.

UPS again!

Can you make it more explicit here?

So to be more clear something link: "Capture dark mode of website" / "Capture light mode of website"

Thank you!

Flowko commented

yeah for sure, im planning to do a big update to this repo, from the framework used to styling and more features, ill keep that in mind, thanks