
Difficulty is 0* on all beatmaps

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have recently installed Hitokori
Before installing Hitokori though, I had uninstalled every Osu I had Being / Lazer & Normal Osu!

Ran both clients (Not at the same time)
No issues so I was glad

But after downloading Hitokori and placing it to the rulesets folder, I had launched Lazer expecting it to be fixed.

The previous time I had downloaded Hk It worked completely fine Until I ran into some random bug and ever since then bm's are now ranked as zero stars and cannot be played

It pisses me off because I love this custom gamemode, But cannot play it :C

Mind you - I downloaded the .dll file not the other files

This is a simple fix, I'll make a PR... although I do know that Flutterish is doing a redo of the entire ruleset or smth.

That would be absolutely awesome, I just don't know what to do to fix this right now. it would be great to share how to fix for right now at least. if you're willing to that is :)

Just checking, it's already fixed in the normal version, just gonna ping the ruleset owner to fix the issue.

Yeah, the issue is that lazer had an update which made some rulesets incompatible, I will update immediately. However the difficulty calculator is a weird issue since nothing really changed but for whatever reason the SR values are ~0.14*. I think I will just revert to rescaling the base SR of converted beatmaps for the time being, since a remaster is in the works anyway and it will have this feature properly implemented.

Hito 0.18.12 resolves this

@Subjecter if you are interested what's coming with the remaster, here are some videos - Duet, Regular and Solo.