
Error adding ruleset

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello, each time I try to add the ruleset, an error appears. Sorry if I have bad English.

Hitokori 0.18.5 was updated for lazer 2022.216 and still works with the newest version (2022.226). Please make sure your version of hito and lazer are both up to date.

hello, Hitokori and osu!lazer are up to date. This message appears.

Could you please send the runtime.log file? it can be found in the osu folder in the logs directory.

You don't have to upload the file to your drive, you can upload them by dragging them to the comment box here.
I've requested access to the file you sent - you didn't make it publicly shared.

Excuse me, I didn't pay attention, the link works now.

Environment: Android?
I don't believe custom rulesets in form of .dll work for mobile devices, they need to be bundled with the .apk to work. Even if they work, hito runs net5/6 while the app you seem to be running uses net4 (and I think mobile in general runs net standard 2.1).

Sorry, but I can't really help further. This is something that the lazer team will have to implement in the future. At some point mobile lazer will run net 6 and either you will be able to use the dlls or hito will be bundled with an unoffical apk which I will mention at a given release.