
Charge response cannot handle a null repose when use cancels transaction and also blank page with one button not good for user experience

Mundia-Pizo opened this issue · 5 comments

ChargeResponse cannot handle a null response when user cancels transaction , and also have a page with just one Makepayment button is not good for user experience I would like from checkout the user is redirected to the payment page where they enter their payment details without going through the second page for make payment.
pyment page
now going strait to this page instead of going through the one on top

This is the charge response error for the a cancelled transaction
ChargeResponse error

hello sir can i work on this issue

hello sir can i work on this issue

Yes of course I need it solved , my app needs deployment soon

i check it this problem is occur becouse of null safety an di solve it

Check out the open PR #5. You can use the temporary fix until this issue is resolved.

@definitelyme, @Mundia-Pizo This has been fixed in the new update.