
Flutterwave card payments stops at initiating payment

drexhacker opened this issue · 6 comments

final Flutterwave flutterwave = Flutterwave.forUIPayment(
context: context,
encryptionKey: _paymentConfig.encKey,
publicKey: _paymentConfig.publicKey,
currency: currency,
amount: amount,
email: email,
fullName: fullName,
txRef: txref + '-C',
isDebugMode: true,
phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
acceptCardPayment: true,
acceptUSSDPayment: false,
acceptAccountPayment: false,
acceptFrancophoneMobileMoney: false,
acceptGhanaPayment: false,
acceptMpesaPayment: false,
acceptRwandaMoneyPayment: false,
acceptUgandaPayment: false,
acceptZambiaPayment: false);

Hello @deut818, apologies for the inconvenience. Please provide details of the test card and currency so we can investigate.

Visa 4242424242424242 CVV: 812 01/31 UGX

Secondly The charge is actually shown on my account but then for the app after starting initiation process it does not stop

Hello @deut818, apologies for the inconvenience. This issue has been resolved in this version.

I have a similar problem but in my case i have integrated flutter payment into my project and the payment process fails to call the flutter classes that are required to confirm payment.However, if i test the example code in separate project payment process works accordingly.

Please close the issue if resolved