
Transaction ID is nil iOS

sinkevychroman opened this issue · 1 comments

After a successful transaction, in delegate method tranasctionSuccessful(flwRef: String?, responseData: FlutterwaveSDK.FlutterwaveDataResponse?)

responseData.id is nil

▿ FlutterwaveDataResponse
▿ txRef : Optional
- some : "2024-01-03T10:58:58ZRef"
▿ flwRef : Optional
- some : "FLW-MOCK-bef41a183c12d869f2a0fd9d900dec1e"

  • deviceFingerprint : nil
    ▿ amount : Optional
    • some : 233.0
      ▿ chargedAmount : Optional
    • some : 233.0
      ▿ appFee : Optional
    • some : 8.86
      ▿ merchantFee : Optional
    • some : 0.0
      ▿ processorResponse : Optional
    • some : "Approved. Successful"
  • authModel : nil
    ▿ currency : Optional
    • some : "NGN"
      ▿ ip : Optional
    • some : "xx.xxx.xxx.143"
      ▿ narration : Optional
    • some : "simplifying payments for endless possibilities"
      ▿ status : Optional
    • some : "successful"
  • authURL : nil
  • paymentType : nil
  • fraudStatus : nil
  • chargeType : nil
  • createdAt : nil
  • plan : nil
  • id : nil
  • accountID : nil
    ▿ customer : Optional
    ▿ some : Customer
    ▿ id : Optional
    - some : 2320464
    ▿ phoneNumber : Optional
    - some : "N/A"
    ▿ name : Optional
    - some : "some"
    ▿ email : Optional
    - some : "some@mail.com"
    ▿ createdAt : Optional
    - some : "2024-01-03T10:59:19.000Z"
  • card : nil

here is config

     let config = FlutterwaveConfig.sharedConfig()
    config.paymentOptionsToExclude = []
    config.currencyCode = "NGN" // This is the specified currency to charge in.
    config.country = "NG"
    config.email = email // This is the email address of the customer
    config.phoneNumber = phone //Phone number
    config.firstName = firstName // This is the customers first name.
    config.lastName = lastName //This is the customers last name.
    config.transcationRef = "\(date)Ref" // This is a unique reference, unique to the particular transaction being carried out. It is generated when it is not provided by the merchant for every transaction.
    config.meta = [["metaname":"sdk", "metavalue":"ios"]] //This is used to include additional payment information
    config.narration = "simplifying payments for endless possibilities"
    config.publicKey = "xxxx"
    config.encryptionKey = "xxxx"
    config.isPreAuth = false  // This should be set to true for preauthoize card transactions
    config.isStaging = true // Toggle this for staging and live environment

Used cards

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 12 13 43