`gpu` should warn if cuDNN is not installed
CarloLucibello opened this issue · 3 comments
CarloLucibello commented
Emerged in https://discourse.julialang.org/t/scalar-indexing-gpu-problem-in-flux-jl-model/113974
In the following example one gets an error but no warnings:
using CUDA
using Flux
using Random
N_data = 32
img_dims = (16, 16, 3)
images = Float32.(randn((img_dims..., N_data))) |> gpu
model = Chain(
Conv((3,3), 3 => 1, relu), # 16×16×3 -> 14×14×1
Flux.flatten, # 14×14×1 -> 196
Dense(196 => 2) # 196 -> 2
) |> gpu
model(images) # error: TaskFailedException: "Scalar indexing is disallowed."
The problem is that cuDNN is not installed so the convolution falls back to the cpu method.
ToucheSir commented
I think this is a dupe of FluxML/NNlib.jl#523?
CarloLucibello commented
We shouldn't wait for the conv to happen, when gpu
is called we should warn already.