
Using a wrapper + mutation to "implicitly" update scheduled parameters?

ToucheSir opened this issue · 3 comments

This is to write down a thought which came from #34 and FluxML/Optimisers.jl#89. Presently, we rely on mutably/immutably updating any objects which depend on the schedule value after each step. This is simple and easy to understand, but it could get unwieldy with more complex optimizer state trees.

What if we instead created a stateful type or wrapper which keeps track of the current schedule value? Then, we make this or some type which contains a reference to it subclass a number type (maybe Real? Could make it parametric on the value type). This proxy number can then be manipulated directly by Optimisers.jl rules, but will appear to update automatically whenever the schedule is ticked.

Some pseudocode for the above:

Option 1: wrapper itself is mutable number proxy

mutable struct ScheduleValue{T<:Real} <: Real

# Overload basic math operations (much like Flux.Nil)
Base.:+(sv::ScheduleValue, x::Number) = sv.inner + x

eta = ScheduleValue(0f0)
d = Descent(eta)
schedule = Exp(...)

for s in schedule
  eta.inner = s  # probably want a proper function for this

Option 2: number proxy is derived from wrapper

struct ScheduleValue{S<:Stateful} <: Real

_getval(sv::ScheduleValue) = sv.iter.schedule(sv.iter.state)

# Overload basic math operations (much like Flux.Nil)
Base.:+(sv::ScheduleValue, x::Number) = _getval(sv.inner) + x

schedule = Stateful(Exp(...))

eta = ScheduleValue(schedule)
d = Descent(eta)

for _ in schedule  # no need for value here, just next! on the Stateful

Too magic? Perhaps. I could also see serialization being an issue because of the mutable references, but BSON/JLD2 at least should work. However, this does seem more ergonomic than wrapping optimization rules when it comes to scheduling multiple hyperparameters simultaneously.

Sorry, I had a thought here, but I forgot to write it down.

I could see Option 2 being the more attractive one. We could even go one step further and merge the behavior into Stateful instead of wrapping it. I see this as a feature for people who like "magic" and will probably want the self-mutating iterator.

Note that the solution presented in #34 takes a different approach from this and FluxML/Optimisers.jl#89. I see adjust as a very low-level function for the most stripped down version of Optimisers.jl. Appropriate for a package that might have its own opinions about scheduling. In contrast, Scheduler from #34 avoids adjust entirely. The "rule" at each leaf in the tree does not store the underlying optimization rule (e.g. Descent) at all. As such, we don't have stale hyper-parameters that we need to update in the tree. Tree-based functions like update are applied to a tree of Schedulers, and only when we reach a leaf do we construct the underlying optimization rule then call apply! directly (assuming this is cheap to do). This is akin to how OptimiserChain calls apply! directly.

My thought is that both could be offered as options, since they co-exist peacefully, and people have opinions on mutability.

Re: multiple hyper-parameters

I wrote the solution in #34 for a single hyper-parameter, but you could easily make Scheduler hold multiple schedules that can be used in the constructor:

lr_sched = Exp(...)
momentum_sched = Exp(...)
opt = Scheduler(lr_sched, momentum_sched) do lr, momentum
    Momentum(lr, momentum) # could also have constant hyper-parameters here

Sounds good. I'll defer to you on which of these options are worthwhile then, since it seems like we have no shortage of choice :)