
forEach() not working in IE8

apmsoso opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi! what can I do about this?
file : jquery.jspanel.min.js : [b,b.header,b.content,b.footer].forEach(function(a){c(a)....

Hi there!
You could try to use a ployfill for forEach() as described here:
But I doubt that will make jsPanel work properly on an IE8 since there are some more things like CSS3 style declarations IE8 won't recognize.

And please note that I don't make any effort to support browsers prior IE9.

Thx !
I used the ployfill code, it works, but it made another issue on IE8: the panel stretched down Infinitely.

Sorry! As I said, there are quite a few css3 styles IE8 doesn't know like: rgba colors, opacity, gradients, shadows, box-sizing. Then there also is css calc() I use which IE8 can't handle either.
And remember that jquery doesn't support browsers < IE9 as of jquery 2.x

got it ,Thx again!