
Fedora 35: virsh cannot detect RDPWindows

jahinzee opened this issue · 5 comments

After installing the VM and configuring it, I tried running the bin/winapps command to test it, and I get this:

RDPWindows is not running, run:
  virsh start RDPWindows

After running the afformentioned command:

error: failed to get domain 'RDPWindows'

I tried forcing it with sudo and it worked, so I tried running the script (also with sudo), again with success, but now none of the apps will launch with this method.

Given that the instructions mentioned nothing of adding sudo, there must be a way to get virsh to detect the VM without sudo. I tried adding my account to the kvm and libvirt groups but to no avail.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

I can confirm it doesn't work with standard user, though I am able to get the ./bin/winapps check and script to run with sudo (after adding the kvm and libvert groups. However, you cannot launch applications from the Desktop Environment menu.

I can only open applications from the terminal e.g. sudo explorer to open an explorer window

I I have the same issue, did someone find a solution?
I have Fedora 35, on a Lenovo Thinkbook 14 iil

Using Fedora 35 here too. Have more info, but no solution.
Virt-manager uses the root profile by default for its VMs. Running virsh list as another user will thus not show any vms because only the VMs created by that other user will be seen.
As per libvirtd.conf(/etc/libvirtd/libvirtd.conf):

# This is restricted to 'root' by default.
#unix_sock_group = "libvirt"

Logging in as root user with sudo su - and then running virsh list will show the Windows VM, as you are now using the virsh command as the root user.

My hypothesis is that launching apps as non-root user through the DE does not work because virsh/winapps does not see the VM. This could be confirmed by logging into your linux DE as root user I suppose.
Another workaround would be to install/run virt-manager as non root user and then install the Windows VM as non-root user too.
I'll tinker around a bit and update this comment if I find a workaround.

In short: virsh connects to uri qemu://session by default, and the machine runs in qemu://system. Because of this, it is not visible when running as a normal user. You need to change the default uri via an environment variable.
Here's how to change a variable permanently.
We need to add export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system" to the file ~/.profile (if you use bash) or ~/.zprofile (if you use zsh). The rest of the ways and shells:
UPD: It's even better:

Thanks all for your contributions

Winapps dev now takes place here

So we can close this issue for good