
Support Parallel Work in Some Way for Forecasting Multiple Features

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The multiple feature forecaster currently assumes completion of one feature before starting another. Although this is the optimal way, it seems rarer in the real world. Is there a way to allocate partial throughput to two or more features concurrently?

Was this ever addressed? I'm trying to use this sheet to genuinely forecast my team's delivery but the assumption of one feature completed before another started is hindering my ability to do that.

This would be a great feature of the spreadsheet! Will any of the other spreadsheets in this repository allow this somehow? (Or does anyone know about a tool that supports it?)

Currently, with the capacity set to 5, adding 5 features with story count 1 will give 5 weeks, while a feature with story count 5 will take 1 week. With small stories and capcity-driven planning, one will frequently end up with multiple stories in the same sprint. Now, having small features just inflates the estimate. This spreadsheet seems to be more for estimating backlogs with really large items.

Assuming you can split arbitrarily, simply summing the number of points and dividing by the velocity would do the trick, but that sort of defeats the whole purpose of being able to reorder for efficiency.