
Provide examples of Info.OfMethod for generic method and methods with arguments.

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Describe the issue

Info.MethodOf documentation is somewhat unclear regarding generic methods and parameters.

Below are some of my attempts that came up short.

Minimal Repro

namespace MyNs
    public class MyClass
        // OK
        public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceMethod = Info.OfMethod<MyClass>(nameof(Produce)); // OK
        public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceMethod2 = Info.OfMethod("InfoOfMethodOverload", "MyNs.MyClass", "Produce"); // OK
        public int Produce() => throw new NotImplementedException();
        // What do I do?
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceGeneric = Info.OfMethod<MyClass>(nameof(Produce)+"``1<T>");
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceGeneric = Info.OfMethod("InfoOfMethodOverload", "MyNs.MyClass", nameof(Produce)+"``1<T>");
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceGeneric = Info.OfMethod("InfoOfMethodOverload", "MyNs.MyClass", nameof(Produce)+"``1<mscorlib|System.Int32>");
        public int Produce<T>() => throw new NotImplementedException();

        // What do I do?
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceWithParam = Info.OfMethod<MyClass>(nameof(Produce), "System.Runtime|System.Int32");
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceWithParam2 = Info.OfMethod("InfoOfMethodOverload", "MyNs.MyClass", "Produce", "mscorlib|System.Int32");
        //public static readonly MethodInfo ProduceWithParam2 = Info.OfMethod("InfoOfMethodOverload", "MyNs.MyClass", "Produce", "int");
        public int Produce(int z) => throw new NotImplementedException();

That double backquote in the documentation seems off, can you try with a single backquote instead?

Also, the <T> part shouldn't be needed for open generics.

@ltrzesniewski, didn't work with single backtick either.

  • Actually there seems to be no way to distinguish generic and non-generic methods with the same parameters.
  • If the generic parameter is used in a methods parameter, it is possible by specifying "T" as parameter type.

see sample here:

@virzak I've updated the readme, did this answer your questions?


Thanks, the questions are answered. A few thoughts:

  • Specifying type parameters in MethodOf would be awesome. Here is a real world example where I'd love to have a handle on two different Count methods.
  • Specifying type parameters might not be enough if they differ by constraints:
public int Produce<T>(T? t) where T : class => throw new NotImplementedException();
public int Produce<T>(T? t) where T : struct => throw new NotImplementedException();
  • Saw a typo therE by the way: "Actually ther is no specific support".

Another thought on this topic.
Does it make sense to drive generation from method attributes?

class MyClass
  [CreateMethodInfo(location = "MyNS.MyOtherClass.ExistingField")]
  public int Produce<T>(T? t) where T : class => throw new NotImplementedException();

  [CreateMethodInfo(location = "MyNS.MyOtherClass.NonExistingField")] // will be added
  public int Produce<T>(T? t) where T : struct => throw new NotImplementedException();

class MyOtherClass
  static MethodInfo ExistingField = null! // will be overwritten

Specifying type parameters in MethodOf would be awesome.

I suppose that's a missing feature if it's not achievable today.

Specifying type parameters might not be enough if they differ by constraints

That's actually not possible to get in C#, even if it seems so. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are the actual signatures of your example methods:

public int Produce<T>(T t) where T : class
public int Produce<T>(System.Nullable<T> t) where T : struct

Removing the ? from the struct one will cause a compilation error.

Does it make sense to drive generation from method attributes?

That would be quite a bit of additional work, and would only be useful for symbols in your own assembly.

If InfoOf isn't currently sufficient for your needs (and you really want those two method handles), I may suggest using my InlineIL weaver along with the ldtoken opcode, although that may prove a bit overkill. ๐Ÿ˜…

In your sample code above both methods are distinguishable by their parameters, so you can get them via

InfoOf.Method<Class>("Produce", "T")
InfoOf.Method<Class>("Produce", "Nullable<T>")

or to make it even more obvious, rename T to TClass and TStruct.

Specifying type parameters in MethodOf would be awesome.

I think it's a very special edge case where you have a generic overload and the generic parameter is not used in the method parameters, so I wonder if it's worth spending efforts on this.

Also I don't see the benefit of designing such an highly optimized code - and then accessing it via reflection?

Also I don't see the benefit of designing such an highly optimized code - and then accessing it via reflection?

@tom-englert, you're probably correct. This is all about EF Core expression trees detecting that a certain method has been called. This not likely where the performance bottleneck will be, since EF Core itself pays a heavy cost upfront to generate queries.