
Fody Property Changed in Winforms using BindingSource

JanBrandenburger opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear colleagues,
i use this framework in conjunction with Windows Forms and a BindingSource.
I load the object with Entity Framework from the database and bind it to a BindingSource.
The controls are coupled to the BindingSource so that the DataSourceRefresh mode does not trigger "OnValidation" but "OnPropertyChanged".

Now I have the effect that when I enter text in a text box, the application hangs after each letter.
If you look at the profiling module in Visual Studio, 89 percent of the arithmetic operations are performed by the ProptertyChanged.

If I remove Fody as reference it works smoothly.
I also tried to disable the Equalize mode.
This does not bring any improvement.

Is the behaviour as expected and normal or is there a user error or implementation error by me?

Thanks for any help and advice.

Yours sincerely

Jan Brandenburger