
Determine which FoodOn terms need wikipedia definitions or images

ddooley opened this issue · 0 comments

This task involves using SPARQL to query FoodOn to determine which FOODON_XXXXX terms need definitions and/or images. Existing terms will have no IAO:0000115 definition or IAO:000011? definition source, or no schema:image image tag. Possibly some terms might have IAO:0000115 definition but it is an empty string. The task would be to query foodon to retrieve all these records. A number of records won't have an image but will have a definition, so we'd need that definition to be retrieved along with the blank image url field.
Code for querying foodon's owl file (either foodon.owl or foodon-merged.owl - the latter would be easier) would be needed in python. could be used as a basis for this:

Later, we can explore the coverage FoodOn has of Wikipedia food terms. We should be able to get that from the FIDEO ontology people who have done querying of Wikipedia for food related terms.