
About reg_loss

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if pick_warp_cam:
            reg_Ll1 = mask_l1_loss(warp_image, reg_gt_image, reg_mask)
            reg_loss = (1.0 - opt.lambda_dssim) * reg_Ll1 + opt.lambda_dssim * (1.0 - ssim(warp_image, reg_gt_image))
            loss += dataset.lambda_reg * reg_loss 

Thank you for your work! I noticed that there is a 'reg_loss' in the code you provided in '', but I couldn't find a corresponding explanation in your paper (perhaps I didn't read it carefully enough). Could you please explain this loss function to me?

Moreover, the following output results seem to be related to it. Can you explain these results?

Warping 0 to -0.025 dp min: 2.99281 dp max: 39.00119 [13/06 00:33:59]
Warping 1 to 0.975 dp min: 2.12648 dp max: 31.35087 [13/06 00:34:45]
Warping 2 to 1.975 dp min: 2.1191 dp max: 17.63157 [13/06 00:35:31]

Ah,I see!

Warping 0 to -0.025 dp min: 2.99281 dp max: 39.00119 [13/06 00:33:59]
Warping 1 to 0.975 dp min: 2.12648 dp max: 31.35087 [13/06 00:34:45]
Warping 2 to 1.975 dp min: 2.1191 dp max: 17.63157 [13/06 00:35:31]

Can you help me explain these outputs during the training process? Generating these results seems to take a lot of time, and BaseGS does not have these outputs. Thank you very much for patiently answering.

Thanks for your answer, I have this question because I didn't see your updated paper. Now I understand it!