
Can we run "check-only" push deployment for multiple files?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi guys,

At first, thanks for great job.

Can we make validation/check-only/fake deployment (with change reverting) using multiple files?

I'm asking because I'm trying to find a way to achieve fake deploy for multiple classes and pages. Tried using following command:
force.exe push -r -checkonly src\pages\ src\classes\UploadPhoto.cls

but it seems to only run fake-deploy for first parameter:

Successes - 2
UploadPhoto: unchanged // page file
UploadPhoto: changed // class file

Test Successes - 0

Test Failures - 0
The deployment took 8.5464038s to run.

And, in fact, when viewing these files on Salesforce Apex Classes / Pages section, page from first parameter doesn't have changed Last Modified Date , but class file from second parameter is force-deployed (no check-only deployment).

Can we run "check-only" push deployment for multiple files?

--checkonly applies to the entire deployment. Within the org, you'll see it as a validation rather than a deployment.