
Rest Custom Endpoint Support

Closed this issue · 13 comments


Is there any support to call a custom rest endpoint rather than always assuming we only call the '/services/data/'?

Ex: '/services/apexrest/' is a custom endpoint

There isn't, but it would be easy to add. A couple ideas on how we could expose this. Any others?

force rest get -absolute /services/apexrest/myendpoint

force rest get -apex /myendpoint

I like that. Can we also add the json prettier to the results?

I haven't tried it. It would be very helpful if you put a couple of examples showing jq and force working together.

For pretty printing output, you can pipe the output to jq ., e.g. force rest get / | jq .

Do you when can we get this feature released?

pushed new release.

@dcarroll What was the solution? I downloaded the new version and it doesn't work. I have tired what @cwarden has suggested. Am I missing something here? Can please update the example section as well?

force query "Select Id, Name From Account" --format:json | jq works fine for me. So should a rest get. Can you provide an example of the command you are attempting?

@dcarroll Is it working great with the | jq. Thank you for that. I opened this ticket for an enhancement to support the custom rest endpoint. I don't think that is done yet.

Ah, ok, sorry. Very hectic few days with the GA launch of Salesforce DX CLI, getting wires crossed. Will re-open.

I've opened #479 to address this.

force rest supports the -absolute flag as of v0.23.0.