
Pulumi for EKS failing with extIngresstg80arn and extIngresstg443arn does not exist

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After successfully running the AWS infra pulumi stack, the eks stack is failing with 2 missing outputs from the infra stack:

Error: Required output 'extIngresstg443arn' does not exist on stack 'aws-infra'.

Error: Required output 'extIngresstg80arn' does not exist on stack 'aws-infra'.

Those are not mentioned as outputs though, so, I am wondering if I should create them manually or what else should it be done to overcome these expected parameters for Ingress:

bastionEnable : false
bastionPublicIp : "undefined"
bastionSgId : "undefined"
clusterAdministratorRoleID: "clusterAdministratorRole-d9858ca"
vpc : {
id : "vpc-0186e1b6db722b778"
urn: "urn:pulumi:aws-infra::aws-infra::awsx:x:ec2:Vpc::eks-cdm"
vpc: {
arn : "arn:aws:ec2:ap-southeast-2::vpc/vpc-0186e1b6db722b778"
assignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlock: false
cidrBlock : ""
defaultNetworkAclId : "acl-03d24ca5313d40ab7"
defaultRouteTableId : "rtb-03bae1150aef9e9e0"
defaultSecurityGroupId : "sg-0ad3be7ea6331af96"
dhcpOptionsId : "dopt-6449ae01"
enableClassiclink : false
enableClassiclinkDnsSupport : false
enableDnsHostnames : true
enableDnsSupport : true
id : "vpc-0186e1b6db722b778"
instanceTenancy : "default"
mainRouteTableId : "rtb-03bae1150aef9e9e0"
ownerId : "
tags : {
CreatedBy: "process.env.USER"
Name : "eks-cdm"
urn : "urn:pulumi:aws-infra::aws-infra::awsx:x:ec2:Vpc$aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc::eks-cdm"
vpcCIDR : ""
vpcIsolatedSubnetsIds : [
[0]: "subnet-0631f6ac56f9e27e2"
[1]: "subnet-0deeaa49e2601d4df"
[2]: "subnet-03949218cdc5f69ac"
vpcPrivateSubnetsIds : [
[0]: "subnet-0c4f58139b6c8c745"
[1]: "subnet-09ca8cd7c3a89b87e"
[2]: "subnet-0237899b3c6d31d4f"
vpcPublicSubnetsIds : [
[0]: "subnet-0c7eafc521f68c8b2"
[1]: "subnet-0fc05d7d9a0b24992"
[2]: "subnet-05da433c7c8066feb"
vpcid : "vpc-0186e1b6db722b778"

+ 57 created

Duration: 2m9s

Permalink: file:///~/.pulumi/stacks/aws-infra.json



Found HighAvailability config and piece of code that tells the assumption of loadbalancer service type will be used. Maybe document that default behaviour in the pulumi repo will help ?

index.ts:if (highAvailability) //If highAvailability is False, it is assumed that the user will use type loadbalancer.

pulumi config set aws-infra:highAvailability true



Hi, those 2 values are exported in the code and which results in them being available in the EKS stacks.

export let extIngresstg80arn : any = undefined
export let extIngresstg443arn : any = undefined

What changes did you make to the eks stack?


I've pulled the code again and ran a pulumi refresh to make sure that extIngresstg80arn and extIngresstg443arn were being created. Then ran pulumi update and noted that the load-balancer was created.



Ok great. Glad its sorted