
openidm community edition binary doesn't start

Closed this issue · 9 comments

After unzipping and launching the (or startup.bat) you are confronted with the message:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.forgerock.commons.launcher.Main
Classpath's I have checked and the point to /opt/openidm/bin/* and /opt/openidm/framework/*

I do have to say that I am running a Java 8 jre (whilst I see that the build requires a rather outdated 1.6 -- my question to that is why is that? I think it's been out of public updates since 2013)

I've got somewhere with this. Not all the jars were getting packed correctly. Will update soon, but there are further deeper issues to investigate. More updates soon. Thanks for reporting.

I get the same error when I build from source (using openjdk6 on Debian 7), so just building your own won't help.

Hello, guys.
I've got the same problem (Centos 7, OpenJDK, from github release page)

OpenIDM is failing to start as a result of a problem with the forgerock-launcher dependency. The forgerock-launcher v1.0.0 artifact on is missing the bin/launcher.jar file, as a result it is not packaged in the OpenIDM zip and causes the product to fail at startup.

Hello guys,
I have the same problem (Ubuntu Server 16.04, java version "1.8.0_131", from the github binary release page). This is the exact error it throws "Error: Could not find or load main class org.forgerock.commons.launcher.Main"

Can I conclude that OpenIDM CE is dead? To me it seems that the maintainers withdrew

@cgdrake and @BohoCode I saw the fix code, but the error still happens.


git clone
git checkout bugfix/#7-binary-wont-start
cd openidm-zip
mvn clean install
cp target/ /opt
cd /opt


git clone
git checkout bugfix/issue#7 
cd openidm-zip
mvn clean install
cp target/ /opt
cd /opt


root@d13dad2004b7:/opt/openidm# ./
Executing ./
Using OPENIDM_HOME:   /opt/openidm
Using OPENIDM_OPTS:   -Xmx1024m
Using LOGGING_CONFIG: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/openidm/conf/logging.
Error: Could not find or load main class org.forgerock.commons.launcher.Main

@rafbueno The PR I submitted only addressed some of the issues, there are two remaining issues that I can see:

  1. The bin/launcher.jar file is missing from the OpenIDM zip file and is a result of a problem with the ForgeRock Maven repository rather than an issue with the OpenIDM CE project itself.
  2. The connector-framework-internal- file specifies an incorrect OSGi Fragment-Host within the manifest. See PR #2.

In order to build and then run the OpenIDM Community Edition you will need to:

  1. Clone the commons-forgerock-launcher-community-edition repository and build it locally
  2. Checkout commit 28f6ce86c5c2aeb9e4b7fb18826341418c91d43a from the openicf-java-framework-community-edition project and build it locally
  3. Checkout commit 3872e30525a48ca60a00d928f0d2090d71b15df8 from the openidm-community-edition repository and build it locally
  4. Unzip the file and copy the launcher/target/launcher-1.0.0.jar file from the openicf-java-framework-community-edition project to the OpenIDM bin folder.

Hopefully the above will get things working for you.

New artifacts have been pushed to the ForgeRock maven repository for the various OpenIDM CE dependencies which were preventing a clean build and startup of the server.

When building OpenIDM CE 2.1.2, be sure to force update the dependencies with the Maven -U option.