
Mismatch between unicode codes of ubuntu icon

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There's apparently a mismatch between the unicode declare for the ubuntu icon in src/icons/icons.yml:

  - name:       Ubuntu
    id:         ubuntu
    unicode:    f36b

and what we get in fonts/forkawesome-webfont.svg after building the font:

<glyph glyph-name="ubuntu" unicode="&#xf36f;" horiz-adv-x="1280"

Other icons have the same code, e.g. icons.yml has:

  - name:       Debian
    id:         debian
    unicode:    f2ff

and this is fonts/forkawesome-webfont.svg:

<glyph glyph-name="debian" unicode="&#xf2ff;" horiz-adv-x="1440"

Cc: @mrdrogdrog