Sapphire Hardhat integration state issue demonstration


This example tries to demonstrate a problem with the Sapphire Hardhat integration, where the Hardhat script cannot change the state of an existing smart contract, where by all rules it could.

Replicate the issue

  1. Set enviroment variables for two accounts:
  1. Fund some ROSE on test accounts
  2. Run deploy
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sapphire
  1. Run test
npx hardhat run scripts/test.js --network sapphire

Wrong Test output

Token address: 0xe01dCBaBe0FFB65b29df36C39FA28822517ceb49
Token deployer was:  0x84373E739d2c50eE55EF8a3AF7238f77804f83bF
Testing the contracts with the account: 0xC88309139e5809f4E736D700bB8Aca31540C67d8
1 - Check if tester account has enough ether
Tester account balance: 1992512000000000000
2 - Check if tester account has at least 100 tokens if he has't, send them from deployer account
Deployer account token balance before transfer: 1000000
Tester account token balance before transfer: 0
Deployer account token balance after transfer: 1000000
Tester account token balance after transfer: 0
ERROR: Tester account token balance not changed!!
3 - Check if tester account can transfer 10 token to deployer account
Tester don't have enough tokens to send. Balance: 0

Expected Test output (focus on balance)

Token address: 0x7cb7E002314d616fEA7F4bfE1FD6A9c117561500
Token deployer was:  0x84373E739d2c50eE55EF8a3AF7238f77804f83bF
Testing the contracts with the account: 0xC88309139e5809f4E736D700bB8Aca31540C67d8
1 - Check if tester account has enough ether
Tester account balance: 11979414400000000000
2 - Check if tester account has at least 100 tokens if he has't, send them from deployer account
Deployer account token balance before transfer: 1000000
Tester account token balance before transfer: 0
before transaction
transaction completed
Deployer account token balance after transfer: 999900
Tester account token balance after transfer: 100
3 - Check if tester account can transfer 10 token to deployer account
Deployer account token balance before transfer: 999900
Tester account token balance before transfer: 100
Deployer account token balance after transfer: 999910
Tester account token balance after transfer: 90


"ERROR: Tester account token balance not changed!!" --> Smart Contract state has not changed

Issues resolving

  • Smart Contract State doesn't change has been resolved within this issue
  • Error when calling Smart Contract's method from signer other then deployer has been resolved within this - issue