strange terminal character output
jmcneese opened this issue ยท 8 comments
added import to my server entrypoint:
import 'nodejs-dashboard';
added npm script like so:
"start:dev": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon --watch server --exec \"npm run build:schema && nodejs-dashboard babel-node server/index.js\""
get these escape characters after running for a minute or so:
this only occurs when my terminal is in rxvt mode, not in ansi mode.
I have had a similar issue running
forever -c "nodejs-dashboard node" server.js
It just spits out the escape characters when I move the mouse but I don't even get to the dashboard view.
It seems to work fine running without forever.
It's worth noting that it seems to work ok doing:
nodejs-dashboard forever server.js
If I try and specify log outputs it doesn't show event loop delays though
nodejs-dashboard forever -o app.out server.js
I was able to work around this by running nodemon inside of nodejs-dashboard: nodejs-dashboard -- nodemon -x 'node .'
@jmcneese were you able to get around this issue?
@jlc467 Yes, I am using iterm with the mouse reporting so that makes sense.
In the end this worked fine for me:
nodejs-dashboard forever server.js
I've tried @vitosamson's solution but it doesn't work for me fully. The dashboard starts but the event loop, memory and cpu are not working. Other wise I get the same character rendering issue.
I tried forever too in watch mode but couldn't get it to work, it would just crash but spawn an instance.
I have same problem :(
Adding link to related Blessed issue chjj/blessed#235