
react-live + Gatsby + koa-static-server does not work when changing the root path served

FancyVase opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I have a Koa app that serves the built Gatsby app that has a react-live snippet. However, when setting the rootPath property (to prefix the route for accessing my application), react-live stops working.

I'm not too sure if this is an issue with react-live, Gatsby, Koa, or a mix of all three. Everything else Gatsby-wise works fine, and I'm a bit stumped so I'm reaching out here first.

I've made a dummy Gatsby app to reproduce this:

Any help appreciated!

I just checked and I can replicate this issue with a simple server:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

When navigating to localhost:8000/public , react-live doesn't work.

However, navigating to public/ and then starting up the python server seems to work fine:

cd public/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Found the fix, non-issue for react-live!

In case anyone runs into this issue, you need to tell Gatsby what the path prefix is so that it points to the right static assets:

Refer to the linked PR for exact fix, but the implementation for my repo was just to add the following:

// gatsby-config.js
+ pathPrefix: '/my-app',

// package.json
+ "build": "gatsby build --prefix-paths
+ "serve": "gatsby serve --prefix-paths

Shoutouts to @TrevorBurnham for the find.